Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't Go Changin': Stagnation vs. Motion

It is obvious today as I opened up to the new facebook version 10.1 or something to that effect that there were uproars, and leaps and bounds of unhappiness. People somehow got blindsided, and hit with some new format just as they were getting used to the old version. I remember back when the old version was the new version, and the same uproars, and cries were being displayed. People seemed to have forgotten that the playground that they call a social network is subject to upgrades just like the wonderful technology that allows them better cell phones. Yes you have to possibly investigate just what personal changes have taken place, but it is a social network, and not your own personal website that you and myself for that matter choose to voice opinions, ramble on about trivial daily occurrences, and post personal pictures up for the world to see. This situation always reminds me of something very significant about us as humans for the most part... We always want the world to change, but not when it pertains to our personal world.

Quite a few people do not like change. They become regimented, and base their activities to coincide with synchronized time frames. They like their coffee at a certain time a certain way, they have a particular routine that when disrupted throws them off for the whole day, and they like to see certain situations in the same fashion or they become frustrated by what they now have to re learn. I understand this completely, as we are not just people, but animals. And because we are animals, routine and continuity is important for our well being. We can find ourselves very irritable when disassembled from our regiment. I myself have particular routines that I am fond of that allow me to be centered. But What I have learned about myself and good amount of people is that they desire one major thing. Whatever change that takes place in their lives, they desire to be in control of it. It is a very unpleasant thing when change happens without the consent of those who desire for something to remain the same. People like to make whatever necessary changes in their lives themselves. Whether it be thought process, living location, occupation, or something as simple and unimportant as a social network. We as humans need to know that we can change when we want to, and not when someone tells us to. It is a control and power issue, and if you feel helpless, or ruled over, it can make one desire to hold sway and shake fists in the air as change moves them around and forces them to conform to something they feel they shouldn't conform to.

Sometimes change is important for progress. The smallest things that get changed can open doors for something else possibly better. People change all of the time, and sometimes without warning to others. But that change is a major door to some sort of growth, as opposed to stagnation. Sometimes people are left asking the question to other people, "What changed?" It could be a new outlook, or perspective, a different chemistry or combination of events, or just plain old need to grow, and a new search for that growth led to change. People are very much like the technology that they become slaves to.They need upgrades, and new discoveries to keep them from being stagnant and outdated. In order for the inner workings to continue to keep ticking in the right fashion, the old version has to be discarded, and the new version has to come into play for awhile to propel one to new directions. Then once things get nice and settled, and figured out, things have to be shaken and stirred again in a small fashion, so that things can take place in a bigger fashion.

I know that to some I am reaching when it comes to making parallels between humans, technology, and a social network facelift, but if you stop and think about it, then it becomes evident that change has to happen in all three, because we as attention span challenged people in this day and age need to have constant change to help us change also. In this "slave to technology" world that we live in, if nothing changed, we would be mindless, and unmotivated, bored to tears that nothing is "Happenin". So before complaining about the new Mach whatever that Facebook has sprung upon you this morning, realize that the only permanent thing in technology, and minds is change, and it will happen again before you know it. And that very change will sync you with it. This particular change you can subdue though by leaving Facebook...And accept it or not, that would be change also.

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