Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vice Grips: Obsession and thinking in chaos

There are many ways in which people can drive themselves and everyone around them crazy. The mind and imagination are truly amazing things in all of us because they can both manipulate one another. Imagination can be a positive force for the mind to work with, and be efficient and productive, or it can be a major force of destruction, and out of control driver of  ridiculously concocted ideas and thought patterns. The mind can control imagination by bringing flighty thinking under control with logic and reason, or be led to do and say idiotic things that are completely unnecessary which are led by haywire thinking and generated perspectives. Both are who we are as human beings, as quite a bit of our primordial instincts are no longer factors as to how we conduct ourselves. We now are so called "advanced mammals" relying on a combination of emotions and logical thinking in conjunction with dreams, ideas, and fantasy. Each of those balancing the other make for a well rounded individual, but there are some that just have too much of one thing. And that thing is "repetitive circular thinking". For them it always comes back to one thing, or another thing, or some other thing. But these particular things just keep recurring like some bad dream that they can't turn off, and that other people get sick of hearing. I am not talking about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, because that is a legitimate clinical disease, and I am not a doctor who is qualified to talk about it. I am just talking about regular people who just seem to have a problem not coming back to "Some thing".

The difference between dedication and obsession is that dedication is the mind working towards a specific goal, and formulating ways to productively achieve something tangible and that process can be gauged in pieces of reward. The more you think about something and put effort into what you have thought about, the more reward you will get, and the more you will think about how to receive more reward of what you are putting effort into. That is dedication in a nutshell. The reward is unto itself. People who obsess are not necessarily dedicated. They fixate on something that has no bearing or immediate impact of their lives, but seem to see it as such. They have a piece of knowledge in their minds that has been reorganized so many times that it becomes unrecognizable to their conscious upon return to it, Therefore it seems to become new to them all over again, They can't turn it off, and the fixation of whatever it is they are thinking gets repeated over and over in their heads, and aloud to whomever will listen. This is not just some brilliant idea about how to make themselves and the world better, but it becomes some mushroomed collected thoughts about a situation, someone else, or some generated vision of something that eventually rolls around to being about them. It's like this particular thought they have is in some vice grips and the imaginary holder won't let go.

If for some reason you don't get the analogies of what I'm presenting here, then you have not talked to enough people in life. It is all around us, and often times these folks come back to the fixated subject by telling themselves and others that they need to vent. Now we all need to vent because life really is a pressure cooker, but the mind locked in "Vice Grips" always comes right back to the same subject over and over, and it always manages to come back to being somehow about them., and how this particular event, situation or person, affects their particular well being. Of course in reality, it has absolutely nothing to do with them, but fantasy and the need to feel important are two motivating factors for inserting one's self into scenarios.

If I sound harsh about these folks then there is nothing I really choose to do about it. The effects that these people have on others is usually the feeling of "Tired Complacency". In other words, "Oh Crap. Here comes ....... and they are gonna talk about this same garbage." I know there are folks out there who know people just like this, and really want to be good friends and listen, but enough is enough about some particular subject.
Again, there is a difference between this and OCD. I am not suggesting that I am a doctor or any qualified individual who can discuss medical terms. But I do like to listen and watch people and see what seems to drive them, and what their patterns are. Some of these folks may very well have some OCD tendencies, or even have this disease, but quite a few people are just one word.."Fixated". Nothing more than that. We as humans all need and for the most part want attention, but those whose minds are in Vice Grips crave it badly like some weird thirst, which is why their brain creates every opportunity to regurgitate some particular idea that they can happily opine, or complain about while appearing to be miserable doing it.

It seems like it would be a bad spiral to be in mentally but most people don't realize they do it, so the beat goes on. So their thinking is in chaos because it is always, "This thing is bothering me, and I must tell someone before I burst." 
 Whenever possible be dedicated, and not obsessed. Dedicated will always propel you to do positive things in a forward fashion. Obsession will always lead you to chaotic thinking in a negative fashion. I could write about this stuff all day..Am I a dedicated observer, or an obsessed rambler? Oh well...Let's get off of this subject for good then. It's all just my perspective anyway.


  1. Great perspective Mel.

    I am also a people watcher as is my Hubby. When we travel we watch and wonder what path a certain person is on and conjure up stories about what their life may be all about. Im sure we have been totally wrong at times lol.

    Very well written we as human beings all have these tendencies but when our minds are zapping from one thing to another, we all have to try and make a conscious decision and slow our brains down as if we dont we drive ourselves mad and others around us.

    Now am I rambling hahahahaha!


  2. Thanks for the comment Lulu..Appreciate you reading..I watch people all of the time. My blogs and lyrics are a reflection of that.
