Thursday, September 29, 2011

Simon Says, Say This: Passively active followers

It is far too easy for people to just repeat things. Whether it be copying something on Facebook, or just repeating some idiocy that was said in public accentuated by an exclamation of "Yeah" and fist pump in the air. People are getting used to being thought puppets. A recent Facebook rumor the the site was going to become a non free site is a good example of how someone can say something, or believe something without any type of validation and just repeat what they have heard, because if someone else put it up, then it must be true, so they should spread it like wildfire without investigation. And people follow suit. This is folks being "Passively Active". They seem to not have the energy to check something out for themselves, but are Gung Ho to perpetuate, and preserve some tidbit of active knowledge because it is there for the taking. A great many people have a tendency for sensationalism, and get excited when something comes up that they can be a part of, and that they can assist in putting in motion. Whether it be knowledge of something, some cause, or bandwagon that they have jumped upon, or some belief of their own that has been echoed, people like to make some impact upon others. There is in itself nothing wrong with that concept, because we all want to be heard, and we all have beliefs about something that we would like to share to someone who might listen. But there is a tremendous difference between being a messenger, and being a puppet.

The idea of having knowledge, is to impart that knowledge using your own specific take, and your own words so that it becomes not only a collective statement that you are part of, but one that you have as a personal tailored statement that you can call your own, and that it doesn't sound like someone else. That is called having an opinion, and even folks who have radically different opinions than mine,  I can respect because it is their own personal take which they can articulate, and explain just why they think the way they do about something. In fact I like when a person does that, because I feel that how else will I be able to grow as a human being if my opinions are not challenged, and debated by folks who can articulate their particular point of view. Constructive conflict is all right by me. The problem I have is the copy cats.

The Copy Cats are folks that take anything that they have seen and heard and just repeat it verbatim with talking points included. They may deviate somewhat from some aspect, but asked to stay away from talking points they have no real answer except to say the dreaded "Because it's  true." Or for that matter, some folks don't even bother to go that far. They just take a sensationalist quote, or video, and point to that while saying, "Yes, this is what I think too." That is why so many folks unwittingly get caught with the "Please re post if you agree" items on Facebook, or the "So and so said it on the news, so it must be true" mentality as they walk around saying and believing garbage that has been proven as false. People are for the most part 3 types: Leaders, followers, or those that just don't have any desire to be part of either, and remain in their own world going about their business without causing waves or trouble.
The leaders like to say things to get people to do things and believe things. They realize that they can't be leaders if there is nothing to lead, so often they construct something for someone to get behind and fall in line to. Every type of person who leads no matter how humble has to have a bit of narcissism in them to believe that others want to subscribe to what they say and do. Leaders though are not really the problem..It's the followers who are.
Followers are in 2 categories: There are the "Active" ones that leaders actually give the info to, and are foot soldiers who will in fact have their own opinion, and will turn on the leader if something is fishy in the works. These folks actually are good because they keep the leaders in check, and can articulate whatever the subject matter is, and why they are believing in this particular leader or cause. They actually are sub leaders because they are being led willingly, and will break off if they don't really like where they are being led.
Then there are the "Passive" followers who just need something to believe in, and will gravitate towards whatever shiny object is presented to them. They follow blind, and just repeat everything that is told to them without question, and can't deal with any original thinking of their own because it doesn't occur to them that something could possibly be wrong in the leadership department. It's easier for them to just follow and say stuff and repeat things because of the desire to be heard collectively but not individually. You can't get picked off by the wolves if you stay inside the herd with your head down.

My analogy sounds harsh, and it may be, but I get tired of the followers just saying whatever comes down the pike from someone else, the exact same way it was said. I respect folks who like to sit and respectfully disagree, and be able to say, "Here's what I think". There is to me a gratifying feeling that individuals have different opinions and can execute those thoughts in an intense thought provoking manner. Growth as a country and people depend upon dissent, and dissent is what makes ideas become part of everyone, because you have to compromise to get there. And if you compromise, that means you are understanding part of the point of view of the other person enough to try to meet somewhere within the middle. To be a puppet means to be unmoving, and you only say what you are told to say, and how to say it.

People think the way they do for a reason. Whether it be upbringing, history, or events that changed them. But you have to understand those dynamics to help them break away from puppet masters, and make them sub leaders where they can have strong convictions and be able to articulate them. The first rule that they can adhere to is not repeating what they have heard the way they they have heard it, and put themselves into the well rounded opinion pool. It is easy to receive information, but it takes some time and effort to process it. Information is like nutrition. It has to be processed properly in order to work for you. So to those out there just receiving information, please.....Chew your food.

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