"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them"
Malcolm S. Forbes
I believe in that quote, and that quote also pertains to a collective entity towards a collective people also. People who have no say in politics, business, media, or entertainment, usually in this country have no say at all since that foursome seems to be the "Cerberus Hell Dog" guarding the capitalism gate when it pertains to this country. People in this country just love to tout capitalism, and how this system is so wonderful. They will fight you tooth and nail about the benefits of a capitalist system, and how it makes this country run.They will call you anti American whenever you even suggest that the system may be flawed and that it creates this love and fascination of " material things" that America can't seem to break free of. But the one thing these wonderful Apple Pie /flag waving/ hand on the pulse of business enthusiasts seem to forget about, and never want to acknowledge about the capitalist system is that it exploits for profit more than any other system, and in that quest for profit, it sometimes makes people lose their soul at the expense of the dignity of others. The almighty dollar and ethics are not only estranged to one another, they rarely romance one another when lonely. And that quest for things has built this country to what it is at the expense of the dignity of many groups of people whom this country thought could do them no good. Segue into the topic of dignity:
This controversy concerning the name of the Redskins football team is a battle pitting "Dignity" vs "Brand and Profit". And in the capitalist society, brand and profit never want to relinquish power. Also Brand and Profit have an uncanny way of bringing people to their side of the battle, because they create the illusion that someone actually has a stake in the fight other than the actual folks profiting. Such is the case where the powers that try to defend have created for themselves a multi billion dollar brand. There is no other word to describe it. It is NOT something that benefits mankind. It is NOT something that will change how you view the world, and make a difference. It is the product of the capitalism animal. Period. And to describe it as anything other than such, is a discredit to the intelligence of anyone paying attention while the shiny object is being waved by those profiting.
Years ago, Blacks here in America were called "Colored" or "Negro" or of course the major slur "Nigger", while many sub-slurs were hurled upon them from society in an effort to dehumanize them. Down in the deep south during the Jim Crow era, fried chicken was even called "Nigger Chicken". Seems so far away and long ago, but this is within the last 70 years, which is still in the memories of many blacks who at the time had no way of stopping it, and no muscle behind them to protest it. It was akin to letting people take your possessions by force, and then demand for your help in selling them. That is exactly what happened to their dignity back then, and it was like a careening boulder seemingly unstoppable down a hill.
They had no power within the four entities described earlier so they had to take what they could get, even if that meant being called something they did not like, just because it was a lesser evil. Lo and behold enter the 60's and 70's during the Civil Rights movements, and the Black Power assertion movements, Blacks for the first time were able to gain a foothold into the power structure that held them back, and labeled them. When that finally happened they found that they had a choice for the first time here. A choice to use power for their own self interests, and not for the benefit of someone else. A taste of their own economic prowess and impact upon society. And that discovery led to one thing. Dignity. The self worth discovered was worth the struggle and the uncomfortable feeling that it gave to those holding on desperately to the power they saw slipping. It was evolution for American society that was absolutely necessary for the growth of this nation.
The same holds true today for the Native American who has been marginalized and tucked away in this country since Europeans began infiltrating the land. They have been portrayed in media how someone else wants them portrayed, they have been locked out of business, and politics, and the only things that people seem to want to know about them are that they were here first and "hampered" our progress into the new world. Sure that idea and perception is changing the more that teaching American history evolves, but that was the standard thought for some time if you asked the average person what they were taught in schools. How would you feel if what your children and grandchildren have to view of themselves was based upon someone what someone else bestowed upon them? It is a dignity issue, a self esteem issue, and a sense of pride issue when people have the ability to identify themselves however they feel, and move within whatever worlds they want to as people who define themselves. If that world of capitalism is chosen then so be it, but having the choice, and power to choose is important. Which now brings me to the name "Redskins".
I have heard all of the pro arguments, which if they weren't so ridiculous, they would actually be funny.
1)"They don't find it offensive",2) "It was meant to be a compliment to honor them" 3)"Where will it end if we change the name? People will want to change something else" And of course many more arguments manufactured for the idea of status quo, but let's address these three for starters.
1) I would not be so bold to walk into a crowd of Native Americans and say "Hey Redskins!" and if someone out there decides that they are bold enough, then please let me know how that worked out for you from the gurney. If you would feel uncomfortable referring to a Native American in that terminology to their face, then why is it ok for you to be upset it's deemed offensive? I would no sooner do that, than to walk into a crowd of Italian Americans and call them "Guineas" or walk into a crowd of Irish Americans and call them "Micks". That's not my place, and anyone who would do such a thing, shows me a lack of respect for people in general, and a lack of sensitivity to other cultures in particular.. And just who are we to say what is not offensive to the Native American community, when they have a voice? The same thing was said of "Sambo", "Coon", and "Nigger chicken." "They don't find it offensive" said white Southerners concerning those disparaging names. Well if you were to ask a Black person back then behind closed doors, they would have told you how much resentment and feelings of frustration that they were not allowed to define themselves as a people. They just hadn't the courage or power to express themselves as frustrated for fear of retaliation, and feelings of powerlessness. Why is this situation different? It isn't.
2)It doesn't matter if it was meant to be a compliment or not. It is a term and name whose time has come and gone. The idea of evolution deems such, just like "You speak well for a Black person", or "I thought since you people were from the Orient, you would want to be called Orientals" Are these compliments? These are in the same ballpark and are indications of times..Times and terminology have to change in order for people's mindsets to change. With the change in mindset, comes a better change in treatment, and just who is protesting that? Look at yourself in the mirror if you are, and ask those questions. Those who are currently making money off of the current mindset that's who mainly is protesting, but just why do you side with them? These are introspective questions, and not just superficial speculations. These questions should be asked by everyone and then analyze what your answer is. And ask yourself..What if it were my people?
3)Once this name is changed, where will it end? I would say to that question, that when it comes to the dignity of people, it should NOT end. What troubles me the most about this statement is people's blatant support for corporations over the dignity of people. That to me personally is sick and twisted. It is as if the folks supporting this have some stake in the changing of the name. They will tell you everything will crumble after that, and that nothing will be sacred. Everything of what??? The Brand and profit monsters have brainwashed people into thinking that their lives will be drastically different if a name change occurs..This is a masterful ploy of deflect and protect that only big businesses can afford to engage in, and some have fallen deep into the starry eyed hypnotism that they have dispensed. The truth is that absolutely nothing in the lives of most people will change except they will have to suffer the inconvenience of purchasing new paraphernalia. That's it. America will not crumble to the sea, or suffer in any more decay than is already happening, and the dignity of a people will have taken one step forward. In the end, isn't that what's important? A slur is a slur. Chief is not, and Brave is not. No one has stated those as such. But Redskin in this day and age is. And that's enough for me, and should be enough for anyone concerned about people.
Brand and profit do not want evolution, and they want you to believe the same. That's why this is such a hotbed issue only because common sense is being locked out of the conversation as more and more people jump into the fray who are seemingly concerned about faux peripheral issues. This is about dignity, Period. And how a people are viewed by others as they try to improve a view upon themselves. The acquisition of power and respect is the first step to that, and that's all they ask at the moment. In order for this country as a whole to move forward we cannot support Brand and Profit over people's dignity. If we do, then this country really is doomed because being dependent upon a man made system that demands to be fed your adoration at the expense of the well being of its citizens puts us deeper into a battle of maintaining a crumbling society. This is deeper than just some name change of a football team..This is about that opening quote. This is about how we view and treat people who can seemingly do us no good. But the ironic reality is that they can do us wonders because they really are the soul of this land. But if that quote holds true, then our nation's character is empty and barren, and soulless, and only seeks what can benefit itself materially.
You can take your arguments and your unjustified fear that we are being taken over by some politically correct monster with you over the cliff of your own personal interests and cling on to it, but the truth is when it comes to this corner of the debate, it is about evolving. And if we don't evolve then we don't grow. When we don't grow, we become stagnant, and bereft of character. Where there is no character, one will never treat anyone else with dignity. So the next time you spew an idea that "they"(Meaning any group) don't mind the name, or when you get upset because certain people would like you to change some terminology as it pertains to them remember this:
What's in a name? Dignity. And everyone deserves to have at least a shot at achieving that. No matter what Brand and Profit dictate.