Wednesday, July 9, 2014

God Given Land: Religion and Patriotism as weapons in tandem

Be forewarned: I am primarily a positive person, but I am also a realist, and write what I see from my point of view. I take great care in writing these so that it is understood clearly what my observations are.

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel~Samuel Johnson

Nothing unnerves me more than when someone announces to no one in particular, and everyone in particular that they are a "Patriot".  I have a problem usually not with just the terminology, but with the context of which it is used. Some people have a tendency to create a label for themselves which is flowery, has power, and is non threatening in one way, but still commands some sort of fear based respect. "Patriot" is one of those labels that fits that criteria. It's hard to criticize without it backfiring because the critic is an easy target for retaliation. One would be criticizing a self proclaimed love of country, and if you are that person that  is doing the criticizing, there obviously is something wrong with your patriotism. And if there is something wrong with your patriotism, then obviously you are a threat, and must be ostracized, and dealt with accordingly. It is a safe platform to operate from, and one that the operator can easily use to dish out fear, and suspicion. McCarthyism thrived on that whole concept for years in the 50's, and took down plenty of innocent people in the process. McCarthy knew that in the case of patriotism, and in his case against Communism, the best defense was an offense, and keeping the task of making someone seem unpatriotic, or even traitorous was an easy process that didn't take much persuasion or evidence because fear is an ugly barrier to common sense. And fear based patriotism is exactly where the scoundrels call home, because they seem safe there. The problem I have with the terminology and the context is that it often times than not is used to belittle another person. The people who tend most to use it, insinuates that their love of country is more important and valuable than another person's and even suggests that the other person has NO love of country. I would never in my cockiest mood question another American's love of their country, but they have created an atmosphere where this is acceptable. In order to fulfill some agenda, one must have a common enemy that others can side with them  against. That common enemy happens to be in this day and age, the folks that are hampering America's grip on "values" and the great American way of doing things, so the best thing that the patriots can do to spark fear, is to wage an imaginary  war with those they deem as unsympathetic to the values they have declared as solely American, and worth fighting for. They need scapegoats for the decline of some lost idealistic picture that they have in their heads created by the affectionately mentioned "Forefathers" because if you don't know at least two or three quotes by one of the men who founded this country, then of course you are not a patriot either. In order to conduct this imaginary war, the self proclaimed patriots need an ally. For the huge task of inserting even more righteousness into the cause, the Patriots have chosen the perfect ally to couple with their " I love my country and you don't" illusion. Religion.

I have nothing against organized religion to an extent. I come from a family of Southern Baptists, and I understand where that history lies. Particularly the aspect of the Southern Blacks going back to a time of Slavery in this country where the religion that they were allowed to practice, which was Christianity gave them at least some modicum of comfort believing that something better lay ahead awaiting them, and that bondage was temporary. And although the very Christianity they adopted was used against them to justify oppression, it nevertheless was source of strength. The same holds true for all peoples. I understand their need to believe in something for themselves that gives them strength and hope, and although I choose to believe in a higher spiritual plane of the universe as opposed to one particular deity which directly contradicts with how I was raised, trust me, I get it. I won't take away anyone's idea of spiritual comfort. That is not my place. The problem with organized religion occurs when those in power adopt it and manipulate it for their own particular agenda, which happens quite often. Christianity in this country has fallen  more prey to that in the last 15 or so years almost more than it has in the history of this country. Almost. Christianity has always been a good springboard for power hungry individuals, because historical belief has been twisted and turned to make people think that this country is a Christian nation, and was founded upon Christian principles which couldn't be further from the truth, but it is now entrenched within the minds of millions that Christian values have run this country for years. Christians will even tell you that they are being persecuted  in this country for being Christians today when that is laughable, and some fantasy concocted by political extremists to gin up fear and support. The values that are prominent for anyone to follow are not cornered on the market by Christianity. They are within the fabric of all ancient doctrines and credos about how human beings would like to conduct themselves in a perfect world. Religion is actually supposed to be a man made vehicle to lift individuals to a higher plain of consciousness to commune with their deity, but as we have seen throughout history, religion is a powerful weapon of control, domination, and misconduct tool in the hands of the powerful who have enacted themselves as the chosen keepers of religious law.

Keeping those two separate paragraphs in mind, I now come to connect the two headed dragon that breathes fire upon everyone in America. Patriotism and Christianity seem to be doing a nice little hop skip and jump across America as those in power pulling the strings for these two entities manipulate others to disparage those they believe are destroying the country. Now what I am going to write next may piss some people off, but I am unafraid to write it, because I am unafraid to analyze exactly what it is. Most of the "religious patriotism dialogue" comes from whites in America who are feeling threatened and disenfranchised right now in this country. They believe that past American greatness came from a work ethic born in Europe, and that when America was a white dominated country, the country was in better shape. This statement I put out may offend some, but the fact is that most of the militias that emerge from this country have been born from the ideas of racial hostility, that justify their pledging allegiance to God and Country to restore the white man to his place for natural order. Anyone not seeing this does not want to see it, and doesn't understand the residual nature of the civil war that still exists after almost 150 years. This is not me looking for racial aspects under some rug where it isn't. This is America, where this mindset exists and thrives very easily in troubled economic times. Now since blatantly saying this is too radical for the mainstream of America to digest and get behind, the subtle nature of disparaging people using code words and phrases is in effect. "America is ruined, and these are the people destroying it: Food stamp mothers, Welfare recipients, Immigrants coming into the country, Atheists, People with Non Christian values, and folks who won't use the phrase "under God" in the pledge of allegiance. It's out of control and we have to get back to what our forefathers envisioned".   There is that phrase again. "The Forefathers". In the minds of people they are saying,  "Yes..The white men who built this country and saved the land from the savages that inhabited it, were decent Christian men. They would save us." That is what is being said whether one wants to acknowledge it or not, and this is the language being dropped upon the lowest common denominator target audience to motivate them. What is being said is, "Get rid of these people, and everything will be all right, and fall back into place." This xenophobic outlook is exactly what McCarthy understood and was genius at until people caught on, because he just couldn't help himself from going too far.

Mind you, I don't have a problem with religion OR patriotism in their own realm of context. As I stated I was born into a very religious family, and have seen how people can have a hope for the future based upon the belief of something greater, and how that can guide their value system and make them conduct themselves accordingly. Spirituality is what I choose over organizations, and there is a tremendous difference. But I don't begrudge anyone from having something to believe in that perhaps helps them. I also love the country I live in despite all of the huge flaws that it has had and still seems to be infested with, and the questionable way it became what it was, to become what it is. I DO however have a problem when the two are intertwined as they seem to be nowadays for a specific reason. And that reason is to control certain ideas, actions, thoughts and people from obtaining power,  and keeping others who are corrupt from losing power. Americans will be the first people to condemn another sovereign nation as being religious based and full of entities of zealots that do harm. But we are in fact filled to the brim with those individuals right in our own back yard. And those individuals have killed, maimed, persecuted, spread fear, organized for power, and manipulated minds all in the name of "God given land". One can be a patriot all one wants and love ones country, and dissent with ones government and fly the stars and stripes until the cows come home. I am not saying that one can't. I actually encourage it when it's necessary. Also one can worship and practice whatever religion one desires, and quote Bible scriptures and go to church five times a week if they want to, because that actually is something that those "founding men" meant to happen. But what's not supposed to happen is the influence of both to be placed within the conduct of each other to influence set agendas and disparage others, particularly a religion such as Christianity where of course love, acceptance, and forgiveness are supposed to be the center pieces of conduct. But obviously those values are thrown out of the window in favor of those aspects that the religious patriots wish to highlight for whatever just cause they wish.

If you haven't gotten my point by now, I will just say this: The combination of any deity based belief coupled with fanatical love of country is a dangerous mixture that feeds itself on its own justification of existence. It doesn't have to be America, and it doesn't have to be Christianity. The combination can happen anywhere in the world and leaves nothing but devastation in its path. The least of what can happen is corruption, power struggles and marginalizing people for a particular agenda. The most that can happen is war, and we have seen that too many times to count. People mix the two and constantly lose themselves, and the actual purpose and good that the two can do when they are separate. So when someone has a tendency to constantly put God and country in a superior conversational, and action based context, your hackles should be raised. Because they are weapons in tandem to be feared, and if you don't comply with the agenda, you could be the next target of some agent of the Lord who is in reality a scoundrel in refuge.
Just sayin'..

Monday, June 30, 2014

What's In A Name: Dignity vs Brand and Profit

"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who they think can do nothing for them"
Malcolm S. Forbes

I believe in that quote, and that quote also pertains to a collective entity towards a collective people also. People who have no say in politics, business, media, or entertainment, usually in this country have no say at all since that foursome seems to be the "Cerberus Hell Dog" guarding the capitalism gate when it pertains to this country. People in this country just love to tout capitalism, and how this system is so wonderful. They will fight you tooth and nail about the benefits of a capitalist system, and how it makes this country run.They will call you anti American whenever you even suggest that the system may be flawed and that it creates this love and fascination of " material things" that America can't seem to break free of. But the one thing these wonderful Apple Pie /flag waving/ hand on the pulse of business enthusiasts  seem to forget about, and never want to acknowledge about  the capitalist system is that it exploits for profit more than any other system, and in that quest for profit, it sometimes makes people lose their soul at the expense of the dignity of others. The almighty dollar and ethics are not only estranged to one another, they rarely romance one another when lonely. And that quest for things has built this country to what it is at the expense of the dignity of many groups of people whom this country thought could do them no good. Segue into the topic of dignity:

This controversy concerning the name of the Redskins football team is a battle pitting "Dignity" vs "Brand and Profit". And in the capitalist society, brand and profit never want to relinquish power. Also Brand and Profit have an uncanny way of bringing people to their side of the battle, because they create the illusion that someone actually has a stake in the fight other than the actual folks profiting. Such is the case where the powers that try to defend have created for themselves a multi billion dollar brand. There is no other word to describe it. It is NOT  something that benefits mankind. It is NOT something that will change how you view the world, and make a difference. It is the product of the capitalism animal. Period. And to describe it as anything other than such, is a discredit to the intelligence of anyone paying attention while the shiny object is being waved by those profiting.

Years ago, Blacks here in America were called "Colored" or "Negro" or of course the major slur "Nigger", while many sub-slurs were hurled upon them from society in an effort to  dehumanize them. Down in the deep south during the Jim Crow era, fried chicken was even called "Nigger Chicken". Seems so far away and long ago, but this is within the last 70 years, which is still in the memories of many blacks who at the time had no way of stopping it, and no muscle behind them to protest it. It was akin to letting people take your possessions by force, and then demand for your help in selling them. That is exactly what happened to their dignity back then, and it was like a careening boulder seemingly unstoppable down a hill.
They had no power within the four entities described earlier so they had to take what they could get, even if that meant being called something they did not like, just because it was a lesser evil. Lo and behold enter the 60's and 70's during the Civil Rights movements, and the Black Power assertion movements, Blacks for the first time were able to gain a foothold into the power structure that held them back, and labeled them. When that finally happened they found that they had a choice for the first time here. A choice to use power for their own self interests, and not for the benefit of someone else. A taste of their own economic prowess and impact upon society. And that discovery led to one thing. Dignity. The self worth discovered was worth the struggle and the uncomfortable feeling that it gave to those holding on desperately to the power they saw slipping. It was evolution for American society that was absolutely necessary for the growth of this nation.

The same holds true today for the Native American who has been marginalized and tucked away in this country since Europeans began infiltrating the land. They have been portrayed in media how someone else wants them portrayed, they have been locked out of business, and politics, and the only things that people seem to want to know about them are that they were here first and "hampered" our progress into the new world. Sure that idea and perception is changing the more that teaching American history evolves, but that was the standard thought for some time if you asked the average person what they were taught in schools. How would you feel if what your children and grandchildren have to view of themselves was based upon someone what someone else bestowed upon them? It is a dignity issue, a self esteem issue, and a sense of pride issue when people have the ability to identify themselves however they feel, and move within whatever worlds they want to as people who define themselves. If that world of capitalism is chosen then so be it, but having the choice, and power to choose is important. Which now brings me to the name "Redskins".

I have heard all of the pro arguments, which if they weren't so ridiculous, they would actually be funny.

1)"They don't find it offensive",2) "It was meant to be a compliment to honor them" 3)"Where will it end if we change the name? People will want to change something else" And of course many more arguments manufactured for the idea of status quo, but let's address these three for starters.
1) I would not be so bold to walk into a crowd of Native Americans and say "Hey Redskins!" and if someone out there decides that they are bold enough, then please let me know how that worked out for you from the gurney. If you would feel uncomfortable referring to a Native American in that terminology to their face, then why is it ok for you to be upset it's deemed offensive? I would no sooner do that, than to walk into a crowd of Italian Americans and call them "Guineas" or walk into a crowd of Irish Americans and call them "Micks". That's not my place, and anyone who would do such a thing, shows me a lack of respect for people in general, and a lack of sensitivity to other cultures in particular.. And just who are we to say what is not offensive to the Native American community, when they have a voice? The same thing was said of "Sambo", "Coon", and "Nigger chicken." "They don't find it offensive" said white Southerners concerning those disparaging names. Well if you were to ask a Black person back then behind closed doors, they would have told you how much resentment and feelings of  frustration that they were not allowed to define themselves as a people. They just hadn't the courage or power to express themselves as frustrated for fear of retaliation, and feelings of powerlessness. Why is this situation different? It isn't.
2)It doesn't matter if it was meant to be a compliment or not. It is a term and name whose time has come and gone. The idea of evolution deems such, just like "You speak well for a Black person", or "I thought since you people were from the Orient, you would want to be called Orientals" Are these compliments? These are in the same ballpark and are indications of times..Times and terminology have to change in order for people's mindsets to change. With the change in mindset, comes a better change in treatment, and just who is protesting that? Look at yourself in the mirror if you are, and ask those questions. Those who are currently making money off of the current mindset that's who mainly is protesting, but just why do you side with them? These are introspective questions, and not just superficial speculations. These questions should be asked by everyone and then analyze what your answer is. And ask yourself..What if it were my people?
3)Once this name is changed, where will it end? I would say to that question, that when it comes to the dignity of people, it should NOT end. What troubles me the most about this statement is people's blatant support for corporations over the dignity of people.  That to me personally is sick and twisted. It is as if the folks supporting this have some stake in the changing of the name. They will tell you everything will crumble after that, and that nothing will be sacred. Everything of what??? The Brand and profit monsters have brainwashed people into thinking that their lives will be drastically different if a name change occurs..This is a masterful ploy of deflect and protect that only big businesses can afford to engage in, and some have fallen deep into the starry eyed hypnotism that they have dispensed. The truth is that absolutely nothing in the lives of most people will change except they will have to suffer the inconvenience of purchasing new paraphernalia. That's it. America will not crumble to the sea, or suffer in any more decay than is already happening, and the dignity of a people will have taken one step forward. In the end, isn't that what's important? A slur is a slur. Chief is not, and Brave is not. No one has stated those as such. But Redskin in this day and age is. And that's enough for me, and should be enough for anyone concerned about people.

Brand and profit do not want evolution, and they want you to believe the same. That's why this is such a hotbed issue only because common sense is being locked out of the conversation as more and more people jump into the fray who are seemingly concerned about faux peripheral issues. This is about dignity, Period. And how a people are viewed by others as they try to improve a view upon themselves. The acquisition of power and respect is the first step to that, and that's all they ask at the moment. In order for this country as a whole to move forward we cannot support Brand and Profit over people's dignity. If we do, then this country really is doomed because being dependent upon a man made system that demands to be fed your adoration at the expense of the well being of its citizens puts us deeper into a battle of maintaining a crumbling society. This is deeper than just some name change of a football team..This is about that opening quote. This is about how we view and treat people who can seemingly do us no good. But the ironic reality is that they can do us wonders because they really are the soul of this land. But if that quote holds true, then our nation's character is empty and barren, and soulless, and only seeks what can benefit itself materially.

You can take your arguments and your unjustified fear that we are being taken over by some politically correct monster with you over the cliff of your own personal interests and cling on to it, but the truth is when it comes to this corner of the debate, it is about evolving. And if we don't evolve then we don't grow. When we don't grow, we become stagnant, and bereft of character. Where there is no character, one will never treat anyone else with dignity. So the next time you spew an idea that "they"(Meaning any group) don't mind the name, or when you get upset because  certain people would like you to change some terminology as it pertains to them remember this:
What's in a name? Dignity. And everyone deserves to have at least a shot at achieving that. No matter what Brand and Profit dictate.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May I Have Your Attention Please: Drama Kings and Queens

 "When you can do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world" ~George Washington Carver

The quote above is to point out the fact that to best receive general attention one should probably decide to excel and do something that requires thought, precision, ingenuity, or something that merits the accolades of ones peers, or strangers. Out of all of the creatures on the Earth from the giant Blue Whale in the ocean, and the Golden Eagle in the skies, and to the lowest insect under a turned over rock, only human beings have the ability AND desire to manufacture, and magnify problems. Besides the drama associated with theater or television, "Drama" in the dictionary also has a definition of "An exciting or unexpected series of events or circumstances". In the world of human beings these events are magnified and manufactured to the extent where the person that these events are happening to become the center of an "attention fest" benefit aimed at those willing to donate to the cause. With all of the problems one can face during this journey of life that we all have the good fortune to be on, the most difficult involve introspection, action, and responsibility to correct and negotiate through. Most of that negotiation may come with failure, recognition of shortcomings, and a determination to repeat a process to get to success. Inevitable things such as death of loved ones, personal tragedies of love and loss, or unexpected turns in life, lead us down paths to see just where we stand with perseverance, and gauge our own intestinal fortitude. Throughout these ordeals we all need friends, counselors, and a host of outside support to help us make these ordeals just a little easier to bear. The last thing anyone wants in life is more added manufactured ordeals on top of what life deals. Anyone except "Drama Kings and Queens".

What do they do? The "Drama King or Queen" is constantly watching the world that they are in, and they just can't help but be somewhat envious of where attention is focused. Whether it be in their immediate circle of friends and associates, or the bigger world that exists beyond their center of activities, they feel completely voiceless, and devoid of any form of influence outside of their  immediate realm of responsibility. In other words, they feel invisible, or like a black and white TV in a showroom of hi definition sets. They have an attention deficit, and not coming from them, but going to them, and they need it satisfied constantly. We as human beings need to feel validated, respected, and occasionally need to feel like we matter in the lives of others. Attention is what we desire, because it is nice to be noticed, and have a connection, as we are not solitary creatures by nature. Even a person who feels that they do not need attention at least requires some modicum of contact that validates their existence. And most people require that validation for accomplishment, something extraordinary about them, or even sadness that they experience, but then there are the situations of attention seeking created by "Drama Kings and Queens". Most times the term "Drama Queen" insinuates a picture of only women being emotional, and unreasonable as they raise the roof in a fit of arm waving, and hysteria over something quite small in the scheme of things, but there are men who are just as calculating, and demanding and are even more dramatic in their ability to direct attention to themselves.In fact men are even more dramatic when in this mode because men have inside them a sort of bullying aspect, so they will force guilt upon those that don't adhere to the attention program, and bully their way into someone's radar for crumbs of "Look at me" bread. In both sexes, it is all about them, and the chaos that they sometimes create, heighten, or highlight to make themselves appear to be wronged, victimized, unfortunate, or just inserting  themselves into negative events in general.

How are they spotted? The "kings and Queens" have an extremely hard time sticking to the script at hand. No matter what situation in life that occurs that is slightly an inconvenience, it is a major traumatic experience for them, and they must announce that in such a way that it elicits attention, sympathy, and compliments from all who can possibly address the situation. It is all about them, and the white hot spotlight, so that they can do their Vaudeville act of "Woe is me" acts 5 & 6 to all who will listen. Even when the situation is not about them, and about someone else, they will flip things around to make it seem like they have had something similar, and that it was a much more significant ordeal. Even in whatever positive words that they utter, there is some form of negativity that pertains to their life, that involves a reassurance from others that they are important, and that they matter, of course feeding the ego in the process, and receiving the attention so needed to help them to continue to the next mini crisis.Whether it's attention not given to them when they were younger, or something that they are not receiving or lacking in their lives as an adult, the King and Queen need to feel the center of attention without really perceiving to have those needs to other people. It is trickery at its finest, and a huge effort of work for the royalty to negotiate through, but the goal of attention is so robust, that it's extremely important for them to achieve it. Most times this goal isn't malicious at all. It's a deep seeded need for respect, and validation rooted in some form of envy of others or a situation. The most bizarre aspect of them is that secretly they are almost validated when something major does happen that demands they be the center of attention. The circumstance becomes a "See I told you so" moment that makes all other incidents where someone stated that they were being dramatic, null and void. Social media has made the king and queen more prominent than ever because they have access to all avenues of attention seeking. From Facebook, to all sorts of other media outlets where one gets to vent, the drama royalty get their moments of attention feeding frenzy, by engaging different people in different situations. Social media is the real catalyst for building up these folks because more drama brings more reactions, which brings more attention, which is the whole point of the exercise. Making mountains out of mole hills is standard operating procedure for these individuals, and they sometimes will even ask for advice about a "problem" in their lives that they somehow have no idea how to solve. They will never take the advice, because they don't really need it. They already know what needs to be done. It's not about getting sound advice, it's about getting attention, and if looking weak and indecisive gets attention, then so be it.

What to do about them? We all have drama kings and queens in our life, whether they be friends, relatives, co workers, or even sometimes significant others. For the most part, they are harmless individuals who create a swirl of controversy that gets on the nerves of the folks nearest to them. They sometimes make others walk on eggshells around them, as to not "Poke the bear" and provoke any fuel for their attention grabbing tactics. Other times this doesn't matter as they will find something to latch onto for attention purposes. Since they are in our lives, most times we spend energy reigning them in because we actually care about them, and know that there is some underlying factor that makes them act the way they do. They can be royal pains, and time consuming, and high maintenance, but in the end, most of them just need people around them to notice them, and feel cared about, and any insecurities and feeling of low self esteem that they have, are only the same ones that all of us deep down inside have, but only theirs are more magnified. Human beings are so frail, and some are more fragile than others, and all the kings and queens need most times is a little reassurance, or kick in the pants to help them through either their insecurities, or their inability to deal with what comes their way in a productive manner. Try your best to roll your eyes, and be some sort of devil's advocate for them, even though it is exhausting, and can drag you away from your own agenda. If you care about them, it should make some sort of difference, and maybe they will receive enough attention where they may be able to guide themselves, or pay it forward. Then in some circumstances, maybe this tactic won't work, but if you want them to not be a royal pain in the ass to you, your other option is to back away, and disengage yourself, because most people don't want dramatic folks around stirring up things. But the only thing that creates, is a void where they will look for someone else  to vent and help them through something, and give them attention. It may be in your best interest to keep them close to the vest, so that you can curb things as they happen, tiring as that may be. So why not just let it be you, if you are a good friend, family member, or significant other. We are here to try and help one another if we can, and  pull up someone who wants to help themselves also. We should once in awhile back up and remember that aspect of life, and realize that somewhere along the line, we are going to have some sort of drama, and need someone to vent to, and someone might consider us a tad dramatic during the course of those events. In those moments, we will want someone to pay attention to us, and listen, and perhaps even give us a boot in the ass a little to snap us out of it. Hopefully we won't have to wish that someone is available to do so.
 Because if we are alone, there is nothing dramatic about being the king or queen of wishful thinking.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Greed: The Animal That Possesses

In the famous speech from the movie "Wall Street", the character Gordon Gekko played brilliantly by Michael Douglas, made a compelling argument that "Greed for lack of a better word, is good." The character insinuated that greed of men who were at the vanguard of the industrial revolution were responsible for building America into the power that it became. Now that particular aspect may hold some water, because if you look at any successful empire in history, it was because of the initial torch of greed that lit the way for conquest, if conquest is what one appreciates. Greed is one of the sins that brings human beings completely lower than any other species that has ever existed on earth. Man has never been satisfied, and  has never had enough on his plate, so at the cost of lives, cultures, nature, ethics, and sanity, and even the well being of his planet, man has been a slave to the inner animal of greed. We are taught subliminally at a very young age to be greedy. More toys equates to more happiness. For kids who used to play board games years ago, most times, you had to accumulate something in order to win. And for some time now television commercials aimed at young minds for the sake of consumerism tell them that they must get this, own that, and accumulate things in order for their life to have meaning. It is insinuated in school, and later in life that success equates to having more money, so that you can have more things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the desire to have things, but this line of thinking over time often manifests itself into greed, because desire is just one leap away from greed where material things are concerned. Greed is the desire to acquire, possess, and hoard "things", and that is just what human beings have been doing for their time here on earth. If the history of Earth could be put in clock terms, man has been here probably close to a second. But in that very miniscule span of time, greed has been at the center of our hearts and minds, driving human beings to "get" something, even just for the act of getting in itself, and not necessarily for self preservation, and has done more damage in man's time on earth than any other trait that we have inside.

Greed is some wild animal that can't be tamed or stopped once it realizes how easily its prey can be taken over, and eaten. This is exactly how desire morphs into greed. In the human mind, once something has been gotten, we are content, but we have been programed to think that someone or something is after our contentment. Therefore in order to solve that, we must have more of what has made us content. Now our rational mind knows that this isn't true, but the subconscious mind is hard at work, and that's where greed has set up an office for it to report to. "Bigger, Better, and More" are greed's triumvirate Father, Son and Holy Ghost entities that people worship and obsess over, making them do things completely unethical, and unreasonable for the sake of getting and having. In fact ethical behavior and greed, usually are in direct contradiction with one another, because ethics demands judgment and restraint, and greed demands to run rampant and be visceral. I am not saying that all who exhibit signs of greed are evil, but greed often puts quite rational people in a position of trying to acquire things to please their ego, or accumulate things for recreation, or possession wrapped in the guise of "the pursuit of happiness". Greed has a way of justifying itself, and making others feel guilty for questioning motives. The motive is none other than the greed itself, because it burns in people. The phrase "Because you can doesn't mean you should" never comes to mind for one possessed by greed. "I can, and will" is the only phrase worth articulating.

 Is greed good? People will argue with me, and state that this country was in fact built by greed, but I am sure that the Native Americans would beg to differ that as a good thing. This country was actually built by desire, but but greed came quickly enough disguised as an idea of "destiny". Individual greed is bad enough, but when put within a collective mindset of a group of people,or an entity in power, it becomes dangerous, and sometimes catastrophic for those on the other end.Tell the richest person in the world that there is hidden treasure somewhere, and watch the sparks fly as they destroy everything trying to run to it. Greed has started wars, made people incredibly wealthy while making others impoverished, and has been the central cause for murder, exploitation, enslavement of other people, and a host of nefarious things that have disastrous results. Greed doesn't have to initially have these things in mind at the forefront, but as more fuel is needed to feed the animal, the more ethics fade into the background, causing extreme lapses of remorse for actions, and ability to curtail the urges for more of what makes imaginary comfort, and happiness. Happiness is exactly what greed replaces during its onslaught. When people place their trust into man made acquisitions, the result can only a never ending search for fulfillment resulting in the need for more of something. Power, money, items that can be purchased with money, land, and other things that can be easily put in the category of "stuff" are what greed goes after purely for the satisfaction of the host. A husband and wife with four cars? Why not make it five, because they can. A man worth 12 million dollars? He'll call his attorneys to arrange making some acquisition to make it 13. Some material that can make money discovered in a tropical jungle? Get rid of the indigenous people, clear out all of the trees, and let's make some dough. Screw people, screw environments, screw everything, because there's gold in them thar hills, and we are gonna get rich. And what greed whispers in the ear of its host is "This is mine, and let someone else get theirs, but theirs is nowhere near yours." God help anyone getting near yours.

Greed finds something, anything to mine. And greed will drive someone to mine it over and over until all of the riches, and resources are taken from whatever it is being mined, and there is nothing left, destroying exactly what sustained it for some time. Desire is a great thing, and the desire to want the things that one truly needs is important for survival. That is the instinct that we all should possess. But greed trumps that, and once what one needs is fulfilled, it will continue to fuel a want. Not a want, but a burning white hot energy for conquest and possession. A want for excess, and anything else just because it's there to be taken, and just because someone isn't clever enough or strong enough to take it. The human race will eventually destroy itself and its environment all because of greed within the hands of the powerful, and if technology ever allows us to leave this planet, we will reproduce our greed elsewhere, of course causing the normal human chaos of competition for having, while destroying something else in the process.

Individual greed, corporate greed,  governmental greed,etc are all tied in together, and symptomatic of man's inability to just take exactly what he needs to survive. That is precisely why the gap between the rich, the poor exist, exactly why one needs to protect their belongings from thieves, and exactly why wars are started, and lands taken over. Somewhere, someone wants something that they just don't need, but the animal of greed dictates otherwise. The animal in the mine reminds us just how destructive, how unhappy, and how disrespectful of everything man is. Man is not harmonious with anything. The greed within us all  makes us want to take over, dominate, and possess, and when all is raped pillaged, or taken, look elsewhere for satisfaction.
 Greed is discord, and hopefully one can avoid being possessed by the animal. You can have a wonderful life with desire. Desire to do well, and be the best you can be. Desire to leave a footprint in the world that is positive. Desire to leave others with knowledge, and receive knowledge from others. And particularly, a desire to reject an idea that happiness is aligned with man made items such as money, property, and material that you will eventually feel an urge to get more of. If one has these ideals, then one will raise children to believe that the richest individuals are the ones who  have the best clarity about what's really important. A smile, a family, friends, being alive, and healthy to experience nature and the arts, and appreciation, and empathy for your fellow human beings in the world. That is being rich, and should you feel that way, you will only take what you need, and leave the rest for others. When I daydream, that philosophy is what I wish for everyone, and I imagine the world it would be if that were the case.
.But maybe I'm just being greedy.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Whistling Past Graveyards: Learning how to walk past barren minds of ignorance

I walked into my favorite gym a couple of weeks ago, and the first person I saw was a good friend of mine who is a kind and gentle man, and whom I hadn't seen in quite awhile. He was talking to another man whom I had spoken to off and on and had in previous times made small talk about gym stuff. I walked up and hugged my friend, and then shook the hand of the man he was talking to. The man then said right after saying hello something that blew my mind, and threw me off guard.
 "We were talking about Der Fuhrer" he said.
I thought it odd, but interesting so I responded.
"A conversation about Hitler huh?" I replied..
"No, Obama is Der Fuhrer" he replied.
"Huh" I said with my good friend standing next to me. I must have looked like someone told me aliens had landed.
"Yes, it's 1933 Germany again, and I'm worried. He is the new Fuhrer"..He said.
I was all of a sudden very annoyed, and asked, "So you are equating The President of The united States to a mass murdering dictator who exterminated 10 million people in his quest to start a world war, and take over the world with a master race?"
"Yes" This man stated.
I said, "Ya know what, I'm done..I didn't come here to talk about this, I came to work out."
And right then, I dismissed this man, and anything else that he had to say was irrelevant. He must have felt that from me, and walked away with myself and my friend who had been cornered by this guy before I got there, shaking our heads. Years ago, I would have gotten sucked into the bottomless pit of that exchange, but I have learned to pick important battles of enlightenment, and that was NOT one of them. Now before anyone of whatever political affiliation they are jumps all over me, I will explain that I really don't care who thinks what about whatever politician, and those conversations are worth having because the thought process of folks is worth investigating. But when someone makes a statement that is so idiotic, and off the charts irrational I have learned to whistle past their graveyard ignorant mind, and not even engage. Why? Because it's a complete waste of time.

We are a country of people full of different ideas about how the world works, and how it's supposed to work. That's fine, I get that. But there are people out there who are so underneath the radar of critical thinking, that their conclusions are almost comical, and how they have reached them are almost inconceivable. People such as this have a great tendency to open their mouths and say all kinds of things and watch what sticks to the wall. There is no depth of thinking, no rational lineage of reason for conclusions, and no original thought process. Just usually repeating what they have seen and heard without any understanding. Their mouths are moving but even they don't know what they are saying. While these encounters may be in person, and perplexing enough, the ones that are downright scary are on social media. It is one thing for someone to say something completely unnerving straight from the mind, to the mouth, but the fact that so many folks take the time to think something, then type it,  and then post it, and somewhere in between those events, didn't see that it wasn't a good idea, is downright scary.

Before social media there really wasn't a way to see what people were thinking other than talk to them, or if strangers,catch the occasional talk  show where someone  put a microphone in front of their face. It seemed like no big deal because everyone knew that there are some wing nuts out there running around with ideas that aren't necessarily grounded, and honed. This was our thinking back then that there was no threat because there wasn't a great deal of people and their twisted ideas of thought spreading. That WAS the thinking. In this day and age of technology and cyber voyeur media and forums, we actually have a chance to see what has been the case all along. Why is this an issue? Because with the age of technology, those ideas can actually spread to easily led minds. I am speaking of not primarily speaking of issues of just politics, or such. But I am speaking of behavior patterns, acts of violence, nefarious trends, and just overall ignorance in general that can be latched onto, copied, and reproduced like spreading cancer.

I will get the argument that this is America, and that people can think what they want, and say whatever they want, and that is absolutely true.My argument is that it doesn't make it correct. It can actually be downright dangerous, but their right nonetheless. This is not someplace where people will be dragged from their homes and executed for thought like in certain countries, and this will never be that type of place regardless of idiotic statements. It then becomes my choice to dismiss them, and not engage them at all. Do I like dismissing people? No, not at all because I am a person who believes that everyone has a voice. But when that voice is so far gone from any sort of reality, it is a complete waste of my time to deal with them, and will present me with nothing but frustration. What they desire is to engage, because the people with the least amount of reality based thought tend to be the loudest of their opinions, as they try to convert others to their way of thinking. People who are based in reality often times don't have anything to say unless asked, because they have no need to present an idea that they have thought out from all angles. And once again the word "Empathy" comes into play because those based in reality realize that they are not the holders of all knowledge, and that there is always room to grow from the knowledge of others also based in reality, and what conditions they have endured that prompt them to think the way they do. People like the gentleman that I dismissed are part of the problem, because they create chaos. They have no desire to talk to people, and solve problems with others, but they have a complete mission to talk at people, and recruit others to their torch mob. Ignorance does not necessarily mean dumb. Some of those folks are very smart. Extremely smart for that matter. Ignorance is just not being aware. Period. Having a worldview that has horse blinders attached, and being proud of it.

If no one were to engage these folks, they have no argument to blast upon others, and their ignorance and self absorbed ideas of how the world works would eventually die with them. They love confrontation, and someone getting upset at what they say just fuels them enough to push their agenda even further to barren  like minds not based in reality.Years ago, I would get pissed, confront them, and engage, and challenge their idiocy, but I am now over that aspect, and I just whistle past ignorance. The world is full of wonderful people who are filled with light, and love, and present ideas that are positive and present solutions to complex problems, because they have used their brains to think. Those are the people I like to surround myself with, and anyone who is not based in reality, and who has a barren mind of ignorance is subject to my dismissal of anything they say. Am I the holder of all knowledge? Absolutely not, but I do consider myself someone who will think before opening my mouth or typing something, and I have been taught and raised to not echo the thoughts of others but rather to have a 3 dimensional view of how people work, and how the world functions when people are involved.

Always know where the ignorance, and non reality based minds are not so that you can rehabilitate them, but so that you can let them suffer and wallow in  their own ignorant stew. It is a waste of time, and effort to do anything otherwise, and your own world will be much better, and filled with much more quality. You may have to weed them out, but they are there, and causing chaos..When that happens, put your hands in your pockets, think of happiness, and whistle past the graveyard..
There are no ghosts in a critical thinking mind.