Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Does Anybody Remember Laughter?: Funny Vibes

Yes it is a damn serious world out there. There are murders, people are going through hard economic times, there are folks trying to scam others, and there are environmental disasters where people lose everything, and sometimes die. That should never be lost on our minds, as we go about our daily business. There is pain, and suffering in this world, and since we are in the age of technology where the world is at our fingertips, we sometimes witness horrors as they are happening, or just moments afterward. It is depressing sometimes to read things in the paper, watch news, or even talk to some folks who are in dire straits. as I have stated plenty of times before, and I will say it again..We are all connected as human beings, and adversity, pain, and sadness don't discriminate. Events in the world, the country or even one's own neighborhood can be a minefield filled with things that trigger depression, cynicism, and just a piss poor outlook on life itself. And seeing how people behave to one another can really make one blow their gasket. I see it all of the time daily in person, and even on Blogs, or Facebook where people are sometimes real bastards to other folks just because they feel like being so. It really unnerves me sometimes, and I have to exercise restraint from getting into altercations of my own. It wears on the one thing I have that I believe we should all exercise and make bigger..A sense of humor.

Laughter truly is the best medicine for the ailments that plague all of us everyday at some point. It is vital to be able to laugh, and share laughter, because it is a release. A special kind of release that kind of says everything is ok because I can laugh. There are some things that are definitely not appropriate to laugh at, and we all have common sense enough to figure them out, but there are quite a few things to laugh at that don't seem like it, but if looked at the right way can be amusing, and ironic. Having a sense of humor is serious business, because life and people will wear you down, worry you, piss you off, and create all sorts of health issues for you as a result of stress, and turmoil. Sometimes you have to just stop, and decide that there is no more room for negative emotions concerning an issue, and think of the humor that may lie within it. There usually will be some humor present because life and people are full of contradictions, and polar opposites no matter how consistent they try to be. So knowing that, when you can laugh, you are being more realistic than others because you are basing a majority of situations in a more realistic light. Laughing does not mean that you are dismissing a situation necessarily, because if a situation exists in a serious fashion, there will be plenty of opportunities to dwell on the heaviness of it. There needs to be a moment to lift that weight, and relieve ones self of the burden if only for a moment, so that when the burden resumes, it can be shouldered a little better.

Whenever possible laughter should be a part of someone's ritual for being because there is enough pain, and sadness to go around for all of us to share many times over, so those humorous moments are crucial for well being. The best comedians are able to take the sadness in their lives, and how they see the imperfections of themselves, and others, and transfer them to laughter, making us see some of the absurdities in life. We must all be able to do that sometimes instead of complaining, and singing "woe is me" to anyone who will listen. Laughter does so many things..It breaks the ice between strangers, it cleans up bad thoughts towards other people, because you really have to be an ogre to have evil thoughts about someone that you just shared a hearty laugh with. And it makes one vulnerable because sharing a laugh means that guards were let down, and you may see someone as human, and not just as some person who is not you.

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I love laughter, I love jokes, and I can often laugh not only at others, but myself as well. You have to be able to laugh at yourself, because if you look deep within and see all of the imperfections, contradictions, fears, prejudices, and absurdities that we all possess inside, you have to find it hilarious. Anyone who takes themselves too serious is someone who is not acknowledging flaws, or quirks within them. And there really is nothing you can say to that person to make them see it, because they will get offended at any little thing that doesn't fit in with how they see life and their little captions of conduct. Leave those folks to wallow in their self importance. Human beings are funny, and the situations that we create to complicate things is even funnier. So take moments to laugh at what life is, and the hands that it sometimes deals you, no matter how serious it is. I have been through very serious things in life, and as they were going on, it wasn't fun, nor would I wish them on anyone. But the growth that I took from those things is invaluable, and when they were going on, people made me laugh when I really didn't want to..And it was the best thing for me.

So cry, laugh, then cry again, and remember that it's all right to do both. Look at the world through humorous eyes, and your perspective will never be too heavy. We all will have times where it will seem not worth the effort, and that is human. "This too shall pass" was uttered to me plenty of times, and it was absolutely true. In my worst hours, there was something ironic, or something that merited a humorous moment of outlook. Laugh, make others laugh so that they laugh with you, and the more people that are laughing, that is less people are fighting, calling someone names, bitching, and complaining about trivial crap, or just plain creating stress and havoc for someone else..Only for a moment? Yes..But life is all about enjoying moments, because you have no idea when your last one will be. So why not make as many laughing moments as possible, because there will be plenty of people to cry for you when you are gone. Unless you were a miserable bastard to people in life. Then people will be laughing at the fact that you are no longer there to make them miserable...Now isn't that funny?

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