Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just One Day: Why?

When I first joined Facebook, it was more out of necessity than anything else. I was going through a tremendously bad emotional time in my life, and I needed a distraction..An escape if you will because the weight of what was going on in my world was pushing my spirit over a cliff. It was still a fairly new social network, as I had heard about it through friends who wanted me to join. I was only really aware of MySpace, because some friends had pages that contained their bands, or music, but I still hadn't joined anything yet. Sitting around one evening focusing on things that bothered me, I decided to join Facebook. It was quickly overwhelming as everyone who remembers first getting on, can recall getting bombarded with friend requests from folks that you haven't seen or heard from in eons, while of course trying to navigate through the maze of newness that this network was for beginners. It was fun, and confusing all at once, as I was wondering just how these people who I hadn't seen or heard from found me. It seemed like every hour there were new people waiting to be friends on here, and when I would leave and come back, there were even more. Once I started understanding how to negotiate through the page, I started to seek out friends on my own, and was ecstatic to find people that I had been wondering what happen to for years. It actually was incredible, and took my mind squarely off of the huge weight that was on me. Musicians, classmates, old neighbors, all were on here, and it was awesome to come here to have fun, and see what everyone was up to. as the novelty of newness wore off, and after I found my little niche of posting music and writing something for it, being the people observer that I am, really focused on this social network and its impact.

At first it was fun and amusing at what folks used to post. What they were doing at the moment, where they were, funny tirades or jokes that made their way onto the page, some pictures of themselves, and friends, tagging photos of groups of people, and some back and forth banter that was hilarious at times. It was actually a cool place. An escape from the real world for awhile, and that is the way it seemed for everyone. After a hard day of work, people would get on, and connect, and have a little unwind from their day of reality. People seemed to be connecting all over the place, and in my eyes that was a great thing. I remember thinking "What a great way to get rid of some boundaries that we all have". The way I saw it, this social network would revolutionize human interaction. Finally, all of the stereotypes, hatreds, and xenophobic tendencies that people had, would start to be chipped away, because someone in Des Moines Iowa could be connected to someone in Compton, and see that person as a person. I was really excited for the human race in general, because of the potential.

Somewhere, Facebook took an ugly ugly turn, as more people, got on, for much longer stints of time, with the ability to scope Facebook from phones, or anywhere else, and the technology of being able to bring anything onto the site, or any picture or thought someone had , meant that the more time people were on, the more things they felt they needed to say. This fake world of escape seemed to be suddenly infiltrated by the real world sentiments of people. Politics reared its nasty head prompting arguments, and ideological cyber fights. Online cliques started to form as people got into clashes that prompted blocking folks, and coded tirades about some other Facebook individual. Peoples fears, negative outlooks, paranoid rantings, and just plain bitching and moaning incessantly became rampant. I myself managed to get sucked into all of that, as I would participate in political discussions that turned ugly, get into discussions that were tense, and sometimes full of exclamation points, and just plain be engaged in reporting negative aspects of my own life. I have always been someone who is pretty positive, but I could feel myself being drawn into this fake world which for some, became their real world. And I looked back at some of my conversations that I engaged in here, I realized that I was slowly adapting traits that I couldn't stand, such as feeling like I needed to conflict, because person X doesn't get it, feeling that I needed to post that I was pissed off about something, or feeling that I needed to state my opinion to things just because. This was not me at all, so I took a step back, and even considered leaving this entity. I didn't really want to do that just yet, because I made, and remade so many friends here, that it would be a shame. So I decided to just take a step back and see if I could really see just what was happening here. I stopped engaging in political conversations, I halted posting negative aspects of my life, and I just stuck to what I love most which is music, and post that. I wanted my page to look like me again, and  I wanted to throw positivity out into the world again, and help to make Facebook what I thought it was going to be,

Facebook has radically changed, because it is now a jaded and given aspect of the day for many. It has become a psychiatrist for some, ideological bumper sticker for some, source of information about current events for some, Singles bar for still others, and angry forum for ranting about the world for still others. But the one thing that has grown since the time that I first got on, is the negativity. The negativity, and anger that people possess always amazes me, and their intolerance of others in the world, and the inability of some to engage in a constructive conversation rears its ugly head here loud and clear, as the buffer of a keyboard is their fortress of confidence to say any, and everything that comes to mind without thinking, or without fear. Are there positive people here? absolutely, and no one's life is perfect, nor should people feel they need to post goody two shoes statuses always. But the overwhelming fact is that the real world is a nasty, cruel, angry place, and those aspects have been ensconced  firmly within these cyber hallways of Facebook. It is just as bad here as watching the news, sometimes worse, because it is more personal. I have been called names by people who don't even know me, and been "un-friended" and blocked simply because individuals would do that in real life on a whim if they could.

So after taking a step back, and getting very discouraged with what my perception was, I secretly wished that for one day, everyone could just be positive, uplifting, and inspirational to one another. Once again, I believe we are all connected, and now with Facebook, and other networks, it is even more so. But why throw so much negative feelings out. Negativity is like Cancer. Once there, if unchecked, it will metastasize into even more powerful negativity, destroying everything in its path. We all have so much power that we don't realize. The power to heal, encourage, inspire, and yes throw positivity into the universe which is also contagious and can spread. So I decided that I could do one of three things.1)Either just roll my eyes at the negativity, and just keep my end of the cyber world clean, 2)Get off of here, and forget the whole thing, or 3)Try to put something out there that might make it better.
I chose #3. Try to put something out there at the risk of getting my head chopped off by ridicule, and people that may think that I am trying to be the Facebook Gestapo. People may think I am nuts, self righteous, pompous, or arrogant. I am neither. I am just someone who loves people, and ideas. And the idea that I love the most is that we all can get along, and share,  and be positive..Of course not all the time, as I am based in reality, but the simple idea of just one day on here away from negativity, hemming and hawing, finger pointing, whining, and politics is a nice concept as far as I am concerned. Who knows..If people like it, maybe it could happen once a year. But at any rate, I am putting this concept of "Just One Day" out there.

If someone doesn't want to participate, then that is their right, and I don't begrudge them for that. They have their reasons. For the people that do want to participate, please share the event, if you would like, and invite friends to join. I will be there if it is only myself. If no one were to join, I would still do it, and enjoy it. The line in "Hey Jude" says, "The movement you need is on your shoulders". If what is on your shoulders is positive, and full of inspiration, then only good things can come of it. If it is negative, and full of angst...Well you know the rest.
So that is my reason for this event..Just trying to throw some positivity into a troubled world..I hope there isn't anything wrong with that, or asking for help from my fellow human beings.
Thank you to all who took the time to read this, and/or participate on June 1st for Just One Day.
M.A.Perry 3rd

1 comment:

  1. Dang, where have I been? It took me this long to find this blog. Great work brotha! I can't stand facebook myself. There are so many opinionated expletives on there it really makes me sick.

    I'm so sick of the 'look at me' types. Especially popular musicians that have to show themselves somewhere or the "I'm rehearsing with x..." It's like get a twitter account. The only reason I don't delete them is because I'll miss out on where your playing or those professional jazz cats. Funny, how I thought getting on there was a great idea to network, and instead I never get contacted.

    None of the musician players want to give the less experienced ANY experience. If you have 500 friends or 5,000, how many of them are going to show up if you died? Seriously, lol!
    There are people on there where facebook is their life. And when some of them own guns and show them, I stay far clear of those wacks. You know who I'm talking about.

    I get a kick out of when they post, "Time to clean up my friends list." What's wrong? Not everyone responds to your ridiculous, heinous, stupid posts so you must delete them? Maybe those people actually have a life.

    Now with the positive. Please do another Just one day soon. Hell, make it quarterly. Hell make it this friday! We need it. I need it.
