Friday, May 6, 2011

....And Fun Was Had By All: Having a good time without "Clownage"

As another weekend comes upon us, it is natural for those who don't have to work anymore during the week to do one of two things...Have fun, or relax. If you're lucky you might be able to get both done somehow. but it really is essential for American workers under the pressure cooker of jobs, deadlines, hectic paces, and odd hours to want to blow off a little steam. There is nothing wrong with that at all. The problem arrives when people who are way past teen years, act like they are still there fresh out of high school.
Usually at the age of 25 you start really thinking about what you want to do, and start working toward it, but with no real sense of urgency because you believe that you are 25, and there still is plenty of time to get it done.
By the time 30 comes your way, you are doing most of the things that you are doing that will set you up for your career, but you are still straddling the fence in some ways. You know that it is time to stop acting like you are in your 20's but you still occasionally have 20 something moments. You are starting to know stuff, but it hasn't taken root just yet, and the life experiences that you are getting now, will probably be helpful in five years.
Enter the age of 35, and you have some real wisdom brewing. You may have a divorce behind you, or some children, or some traumatic life experience that has forced you to grow up in a way, and be mature with very few if any 20 something ideas in your head. Pre-seasoned, and just under wise is how I would describe it.
At age 40, no matter what your life was like, you should know something about life, and be able to give sound advice, and be in some ways jaded in certain areas because you have seen it, been there, and done it. There shouldn't be any nonsense tolerated, nor any idiotic juvenile moments that you are part of. You now have a mature outlook and shake your head at 20 something behavior not being able to comprehend that you were once one of those 20 somethings, out of control and stupid.
That is the blueprint, and model, but as we know by dealing with people on a daily, and sometimes nightly basis, that is not the case. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having fun, and hanging with friends, and laughing, and having a few drinks if that's what you do. You probably work hard and deserve it. But acting like an idiot is not the same thing as having fun, especially at age 40 plus.  
There are folks who by the way have been drinking all week long priming themselves up for a weekend that they have announced will be one where they plan on getting trashed. Isn't that what 20 year olds do? Now we all have had moments where we regress a little and act like 20 year olds, and there's nothing wrong with that once in a blue moon. We are adults and sometimes miss the wonderful feeling of youth to a degree. I am not talking about that. I'm talking about the habitual jackass that is 40 plus, and almost every weekend getting into fights in bars, trashing his/her car, throwing up in someone else's presence, and waking up laughing over the fact that they have no recollection over what happened the previous night, or even how they got home.
I'm not being a prude, or a stick in the mud, or whatever else you want to call it. As someone who has spent his life in bars playing music, while remaining sober and seeing the same individuals in different bodies, it is not appealing at all. I'm not preaching, I just call it like I see it.
A person who has responsible fun is someone who may go out and have a great time with a couple of friends or so, designate somebody to drive if they get a little too much, and have grown up outstanding fun where laughter is prevalent, and no one gets hurt. That's fun.
Growing older, growing old, and growing up, are 3 different things. You have to grow older if you are going to continue living. You can still have a youthful outlook and heart as you grow old, and laugh, and joke because I think that is the key to not getting depressed. Laughter and fun are truly the best medicines, and I love to laugh and make people laugh with me, or at me if they choose,but just laugh. But growing up is essential because accepting that you cannot continue to act like you are fresh out of high school is growth necessary for a mature adult that can make reasonable decisions and have fun in a mature fashion.
So as you go out this weekend, remember that you can have a blast, but especially folks my age don't engage in "Clownage"(Should be a word) that is reminiscent of high school. It just looks idiotic. Like the saying goes.."There's no fool like an old fool  trying to be a young fool." Have fun, be careful, and remember that idiocy is contagious. Don't catch an idiot cold.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, Mel, Amen! I just don't understand those that feel like they need to party like they're in their 20's and just legal to drink. Now I can have a good time with the best of them, but if that includes drinking like a fish, you can count me out. I'm too old to be nursing a hangover or feeling like the bottom of an old shoe the next day.
