Monday, May 9, 2011

I Object: The Wasted Energy Of Opposition

It is both hilarious, and disheartening to me to hear people talk sometimes. Some people have a way of adhering to "selective negativity" which means directing their discussions and actions towards the things they just don't like. Most of the sentences that they use start of with "I object to.." "I'm against".. "I oppose".."I don't like"...And so on. When some subject or plan, or topic is brought up, they seem to jump on the wagon of dissent sometimes because it's there. As I've stated before, it's so damn easy to be right when you don't open your mouth at all, but it's even easier to tell people they are wrong with absolutely no constructive ideas to present.
Some folks waste so much energy on telling others what they oppose, and what they are against, and weighing in with nothing but criticism, that it's often impossible to see where the hell their stance is. They are quick to join some opposition bandwagon where everyone states just what they don't like about something, and they hide behind the confrontational battle lines never giving anyone a real idea of just why something isn't liked and what the alternative could be.
Now not everyone is like this of course, but it seems that usually the most vocal people in any situation that oppose something, are the ones that when asked what they would do in a particular situation or what their solution is for a topic, they talk circles around their answer, and strategically avoid answering it. In other words, they got nothin'.
There are many people who just like to bitch and moan, and hear themselves bitch and moan. Somewhere in life they have decided that it is easier to complain, hem and haw, and oppose something that someone put effort into, than to put energy into saying just what they believe and feel strongly about in a positive fashion.
It's attention seeking in the worst fashion possible, because they are using confrontation as a way to feel important and powerful, but there is no wizard behind the curtain. When the smoke clears, it's just bitching and moaning plain and simple. Now it's perfectly fine to be opposed to something. I'm not saying that's wrong. We all have different opinions, and will disagree on a myriad of things. What I'm addressing here are the folks who waste valuable energy, and fill everyone's ear with opposing something and not putting forth what they do like, and how they would approach something different. The amount of energy used in opposing instead of offering is often laughable because perhaps some very good idea could emerge from multiple disagreeing ideas. Just try and get some positive input from some of these jokers, and see the result. They do not liked being put on the spot, and will (as I have described in another post) begin to turn the topic and deflect any attention away from just what they are NOT saying.
So the next time someone wastes their energy opposing something for the umpteenth time , just let them rant away, and chuckle, instead of wasting your energy confronting them, or asking for something behind their explosion of negativity, and the residual smoke of nothingness. Stick to your opinion and learn from others with a different point of view, because once again, it's easy to be right, when all you can point out is wrong, and it's so much easier to be against something than putting yourself out there to be for something you believe in. And just because something is easy, doesn't mean it's better. Hmmm..I wonder who objects to that concept.

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