Thursday, May 19, 2011

Out Through The In Door: What drives this particular engine to blog

I thought I would deviate a little from my normal M.O. and give anyone who is interested a glimpse into what inspires me to write this stuff and just what I choose to write about and why. My topics are usually people oriented for one reason: I talk to lots and lots of folks.
I get into conversations at supermarkets, clothing stores, at work, at the gym, everywhere. I have had meaningful conversations with complete strangers in the bread aisle. I like talking to folks because I like to learn. As I have said, I am far from the holder of all knowledge, and I am never going to make that claim. What I do possess is a good ear, and a willingness to listen to what folks have to say about their lives. Everyone's life is not mine, therefore theirs is interesting, and different, as something is always said that I can pick up and run with in my head. People say all kinds of things to me, and I am the holder of more secrets than I care to say, but I am proud of that because I am trusted by many folks. I will not hold things over heads nor will I use things later out of anger. If anyone has told me something in confidence, it stays in the vault.

That said, what I do here pertains to conversations and observations of people. I get triggered all day long by something someone has said, something I overheard, or some article that has been written that pertains to what people do. There is no one person that I write about. I take many conversations, and many folks, and merge them into what has been a consistent tale, and it makes its way onto here. I don't poke fun at people, nor do I insult what is going on in their lives. I merely write about a particular circumstance, or condition that I see that has been presented to me in many forms, and many voices. I know and talk with all sorts of people and characters, and each one has some perspective that I can look into, and see just what makes up an essence of a situation. Sometimes it is great, other times, it is not so great, but all are human conditions without filters. I get jazzed up when I get inspired because I can also see the aspects of my own flaws, and the things I would like to improve within myself, as well as points that I'm  proud of because I see those things in people also.
When I formulate some idea about what I want to write about I apply it to a big picture. I may not be right, but it is what I see from my perspective after conversations with folk. If I haven't spoken with you, then there's a pretty good bet that you weren't thought of during the purging, but those who know me well and get into conversations  with me, as well as the strangers that pop up know that I get triggered very easily, and some of what is talked about concerning life may make its way here. If you talk to as many people as I talk to, you have to get this stuff out of your head or you'll go crazy.
Why do I do this? Because I love to write, and I love people. What better way to put the two together than to do a blog about who we are as human beings? As I said, I don't know it all, and everybody has flaws and stuff to work on, myself included. This is not some psychology class because I'm not qualified to do that..It's a fun blog that I chose to write. I don't take it too seriously, because I don't know it all. If you choose to check it out, then thank you. If you choose to ignore it, then that's cool too. Everybody do their thing. There's room enough for all of us.
I just wanted to let whomever was interested know just what transpires from my head to this blog. It's not much, but it's just my perspective.

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