Monday, May 2, 2011

Diary Of A Madman: Armed forces take out the trash

The world has one less evil mind in its midst today with the announcement of Osama Bin Laden's death at the hands of joint U.S. operations. This human being epitomized the worst aspects of human nature. He caused pain and suffering, and left chaos, carnage, and destruction wherever he decided to make his mark. His actions killed thousands of Americans and ruined the lives of many more. Today is a day that we should celebrate  the existence of one less dark force treading all over the efforts of peace between people of all nations and backgrounds.
The brave men and women that serve in our armed forces should get our continued efforts of support and recognition for the things that they have to do, and the nightmares that they have to witness just to keep this place that we love safe. I'm sure that this effort to rid this madman was an intense, grueling display of concentration, persistence and willingness to operate in the most dangerous conditions that anyone could be placed in. This is no jamboree. It is war, and war is nasty, ugly, dangerous, and filled with things that people have to do to keep themselves alive that they would never have to do from their back yard barbeque. I'm sure that these folks understood their mission to the fullest, and the dangers involved, yet still not only did it, but desired to do it because of what it meant to this country. That my friends is bravery. Taking out the trash is a dirty job, but we have good people that do it, and do it well.
With the news comes a different mood here in this country. It is the same mood that pulled us together in tragedy during 9/11. The collective mindset that we are all Americans in this together, and we sink or swim as one. People are just a tad more friendly today, and more receptive to a strange face. All because of once again the idea that we all need one another. That was the attitude right after the tragedy of 9/11, and unfortunately it slowly dissipated. We need this feeling. If we are ever to get anything done in this country as people, we need to feel connected and together, and know that we are all part of the greater whole. This is the feeling that America needs to put differences away, and become focused on the future, and not just the differences of ideologies. Sadly I am afraid that as time marches forward we will fall right back into the same old Red vs Blue, you vs me attitude that was quite rampant hours before the announcement of this evil man's death. Remember this feeling. Try not to let it go away. Just think about this...Why does it take a madman to pull us together? Can't we do this on our own? To that I say yes if we really want to.
The world is still a dangerous place filled with vicious people of every walk of life. But today, for the moment....It is somehow better.

1 comment:

  1. A much better place and a sense of unity for Americans,,, we need to build off this moment,,, And remember all those that died in vain from this madman,, I am glad he took it right in the eye,, great post Mel,,, USA!!! USA!!!! USA!!!
