Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Over The Hills And Far Away: Those Adrift And What They Search

We all want happiness and peace of mind, and contentment. No matter what your race, ethnicity, or ideology, you want to be happy. It is a longing that everybody feels deep in them, and often tries to force its way out in various incarnations. One of those incarnations for some people is constant change.
For some, they are constantly trying new things, blending in with new people, trying to discover new stimuli, all in an effort to discover themselves. They go from trend to trend, bopping around and giddy that they have discovered something new one minute, and bored, claiming that it is old the next. The truth of the matter is that they really have no attention span to sit with themselves for a period of time, and contemplate just what it is they are looking for.
Human beings are creatures of habit just like all animals, but there are occasionally those that break that mold, and their habit becomes change over, and over. They have to find something new to what they believe is relieving boredom but in actuality it is the inability to focus upon who they actually are, and who they would like to be. It is a hard thing to really look at ones self and ask "Who am I?" or "Am I really satisfied in life, and if not, why?" Those become hard questions because you then have to take stock of aspects of yourself that you may not like at all. We all have qualities and things within us that we really wish that we didn't have, and are actually not thrilled that they are there once we realize it. Accepting it is actually very hard, because you are accepting things about yourself sometimes that you don't like in others. Anyone who tells you that they love every aspect of themselves is only fooling themselves. We have all done some things in life that we would condemn other people for doing, and we wish certain chapters in our lives didn't exist, but they do, and you have to live with it.
The one adrift, and searching often has a hard time with this concept, as they have no idea what makes themselves tick. They constantly make the same stupid mistakes in life, and never learn from them because they never ask themselves "Why they did what they did, or acted the way they acted". When you refuse to ask those questions then you are doomed to repeat performances of bad judgment, and idiocy, along with looking for answers already in front of you. The person adrift is always latching onto the next big thing of excitement or the next interesting adventure that actually happens to be the same thing wrapped in a new package. But they can't see it because to them it is new and different and takes their mind off of the idea that they really haven't a clue as to what makes them happy.
So people places and things for the drifter always need to change in order for them to feel as though they are not standing still, but they really actually are. For if you don't know what you want, you are essentially chasing your tail in life in one big ferocious circle. Nothing will really satisfy you, and you will feel bored constantly, and need external stimuli to actually feel good. There will always be something over the hills and far away, and every time you reach a hill, there is no gratification.
There are folks like this all over the place, and if you tell them that this is who they are, most will deny it, and that is understandable since they don't see it, but everyone else can. Being truly happy is the hardest thing in the world because you have to go to bed, and wake up with yourself happy about being you. I don't know many people that can do it, and I find myself doing searching, so obviously I'm not at the utopia of happiness yet either. But it does take practice, and patience with yourself, and the knowledge of what you are doing if your M.O. is a constant search. Because the reality is that it really isn't a search at all...It's you trying to escape. From what?..... If you are adrift, then that's for you to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Inner peace is what I strive for!! then I can deal with the rest of the world,, great post Mel!!
