Friday, April 29, 2011

Drivin' That Train: The engine of inspiration

To be inspired to start something, do something, or think a certain way, is one of the most exhilarating things that can be felt. Even the smallest inspiring moment can be a mini epiphany worthy of an adrenaline rush that can put you in gear to execute. Everyone needs some form of inspiration to either do some everyday menial task, or to do something that they have been putting off for some time. Or there could be an inspiration to take on a whole new realm of yourself. It is inspiration that often gets us out of ruts, and depression that can effect our health, relationship, and just outlook on life.
The idea that you have to get into your head is that inspiration can come from anywhere, and you have to be ready to receive it. It can hover and buzz all around you like some bee, but if you can't look at it and take it in, then it will go away. You have to want badly to be inspired, but you have to accept that it's probably not going to come in the form of some burning bush, or an angelic light from the sky. It could come from something very simple and unassuming, such as a conversation, something you maybe see during your day, another person, or something you overhear. When you see it or hear it, you must act upon it, which is the easy part. The hard part  is sustaining what you are acting on. Many times people get inspired, act and then shortly after, lose the fire that they had, and fall right back into the "I'm unmotivated" mode.
Each person is inspired and motivated by different things, for different reasons and what those things are is as vast as the ocean.
I am constantly motivated by people. Whether I am talking to them, watching them, or checking out their mannerisms, I get inspired to write about, mimic, or think about how their life pertains to mine in some fashion. Those are my daily inspiration meals. People, good and bad will give me some sort of perspective that I can carry with me, and digest for awhile.People just like you are catalysts for my blogs, my lyrics, and my overall perspectives on human nature. Sometimes it's not always good things that inspire. For example I was very depressed at one point in my life because of events that happened that were painful to me. I was very uninspired at this point, and I was just unrecognizable to myself. What inspired me to try to climb out of the hole that I was in was pain and anger. I was in pain, and I was angry that I was feeling the pain, so I was motivated to try to get out because I hated feeling those two things. I don't believe that I am the first or last person to ever feel that way and tackle their depression in that manner, and I won't be the last. When I came out of the hole it was like I was renewed, and revitalized as I tried to find the me that I loved.  I didn't do anything special. I just did what many people did, and inspired myself from within somehow, because nothing worked externally. But since it came from within, it was more gratifying, and if you ever feel that way, that's where it has to come from...You. Also do what I did, and lean on friends, because good friends really do help. Use them also.

The most important and rewarding inspiration that you can possibly have is when you are inspired to be a better "something" you fill in the blank, whether it be athlete, musician, writer, exercise more, or just a better overall person, the inspiration to do so will propel well past what you thought your potential was. Inspiration breeds focus, and clarity about just what you want to do, and how to proceed. It will streamline your ideas, and help you to stop procrastinating and get down to brass tacks.
The best thing you can possibly learn how to do is be inspired by quite a few things, and different aspects of your life will have intensity, and attention. See a blue sky?Be inspired to make the day great. You see your friend trying to get in shape? You get motivated and start a friendly competition. Your spouse or partner in a bad mood? Be inspired to do something nice for them. Are you an artist or musician, and you see a great artist or musician? Be inspired to go practice. See a teacher, or doctor, or someone doing great things? Be inspired to do great things also. Inspiration is all around whether you are in a good situation or bad. Use it. I was inspired to write this today just because the sun is out, it's a wonderful morning on the beach, and I am alive and live in America. I felt it, I used it. So can you.

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