Monday, April 11, 2011

It is what it is.....No it really isn't.

People use the phrase "It is what it is" all of the time, and it is really bothersome to me. Why? because it is a passive aggressive way of saying, "I don't want to know, or ask questions why in order to know." People  do and say things everyday for a reason, and situations occur, and transpire also for definitive reasons. Most of the time, it can honed in, questioned and figured out to an extent. It bothers me because of the lack of desire to know. Some folks just seem to accept everything that transpires, or is said, or thought, because it's easy to not think about it. I have always been an introspective individual, and curious about how people tick around me, so I just can't understand sometimes how people can just accept things on the surface. There is always something below the visible part of the pond. Why not investigate it? You don't have to be introspective to just ask why, or some particular genius to question things. Particularly when it comes to one's own actions or thoughts. I always question myself as to why I think a certain way, why I did or said a particular thing, or why my behavior is of a particular fashion. The simple reason is that it is growth. The more I know concerning myself, the more I can apply the understanding to pose further questions and get more answers. That's  the rewarding thing about growth, in that the deeper you dig into yourself, the more you grow, and actually learn about  others in the process. I've asked people questions like, "Why do you feel or think that way" and my answer in some cases has been, "I don't know..It is what it is". That's a cop out. For some to dig for the answer may mean to see some things that they don't like, or can't accept about themselves, and that would mean coming face to face with some uncomfortable truths. Coming face to face with truths means that more questions have to be asked that would bring on more questions, and etc..And some folks just can't be bothered, or can't stand the thought of the process.
Most counselors Have definitive ideas about the people that go to them, but the good ones make those people answer their own questions in the form of personal epiphanies and discoveries.True that some folks who use the phrase  just don't want to give an answer, but those are few, because most folks who know the answer will just say "I don't wanna talk about it". Which is fine and to be respected. But as far as the not wanting to know things drives me nuts. Everything can be speculated, thought about, and hashed out internally, and externally until some semblance of answers can be approached. I guess the phrase "Ignorance is Bliss" actually does mean something, because to want to know and investigate, and speculate, and get answers is quite a bit of work, and weight sometimes. Those who are happy to not know, seem just that...Happy to not know.
I have been guilty of using the phrase on rare occasion because of time constraint, I just didn't have the time to get into it, but if I did, I would have been happy to shed some light on something someone wanted to know if I felt like it. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk about something, because these were situations where someone could have helped me out figuring something..Just no time. if I didn't want to talk about it, I would have said so.
To ask questions is the best feeling in the world because the answers you get sometimes make crystal clear a tapestry of other things you wanted to know. So it never really is what it is..Never. So don't accept that answer within yourself, and if someone gives that answer to you, well.....Just move along, because you really don't want to know what they choose not to know anyway.

1 comment:

  1. A good self check,, I too have used that phrase,, I will think about it before I use it!! Good blog Mel
