Monday, April 4, 2011

Only The Beginning

Welcome to my newly created blog that I have titled "Perspectives". Because that is what I will probably focus on writing. My perspectives on quite a bit of things, and how those things relate to life.I am far from the holder of all knowledge, and I enjoy learning from many different people, and situations, even when the learning process is a painful one. I will be trying various things with this blog in order to find a specific unique style of presentation, and subject matter. I consider myself a well rounded individual, and i will try to have my blog reflect it. I encourage folks to weigh in with opinions, and perspectives of their own in a constructive way that can be engaging, informative, and friendly. I will not solve all problems of the world here, but I believe that each of us possesses a small corner of our own universe that we can perhaps make better and influence others to do the same. I am a musician, so music will play a huge part in these blogs at times because it truly is a universal language that can unite people of differences together. I hope that even if people disagree with what I write, they will still give it some thought. I have seen quite a bit, talked to many folks, and laughed and cried just as everyone has done. And what's left are perspectives. I hope you join me in sharing yours.This blog is only the beginning of a new phase of discovery as it pertains to what I feel, and would like to say. Everyone has a voice. Mine is just one voice in a traffic jam of opinions, points of views, and positions. I am excited to be one voice, because that means that I am alive, and being alive beats the alternative. If you have come to visit, thank you, and let me know you were here. Today is my introduction where you have just met a small piece of me. Tomorrow...We'll see.

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