Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vulnerable to Growth?

 No one like being vulnerable. It is the most uncomfortable feeling that anyone can have. Comfort is what everyone craves for, and tries to achieve. I was very comfortable doing my posts on Facebook, that were mini write ups coupled with music that paralleled what I was writing about. I was a little upset when apparently the Facebook gods decided to make it so that I had less characters to work with, so I tried to work around it, and it just didn't have the same desired effect. It was suggested that I start my own Blog, and that was a little uncomfortable because I was perfectly happy doing what I was doing in my little Facebook world. I opened myself up quite a bit on Facebook, but with a Blog...Well that meant a whole new dynamic of writing, opining, and putting my thoughts out there for the world to see. It was a very uncomfortable thought, and I would be vulnerable to judgment, scrutiny, and even more commentary. I thought about it though, and decided that at least for me, covering up does no good. In my life, I have fortunately managed to turn out better when I get over my being uncomfortable. Whenever something has happened to me and made me feel vulnerable, I seem to buckle down and come out of it, and somehow grow, and I thought that this would be an opportunity like that. I believe that we all need to feel uncomfortable, and vulnerable, whether it's trying to learn something new, meeting new people, expressing your feelings,or just putting yourself out there for any aspect of possible rejection. Being vulnerable forces you to accept your flaws and try to make them better, or move out of a comfortable box that has your life in a rut. Growth comes from necessary actions that test just who you are, and what you can do, and be. Live long enough, and you will be in very vulnerable, and uncomfortable situations. Live smart enough, and you will conquer those situations and learn. I'm sure that in my life, and in yours, there will be many more levels of vulnerability presented. The best that can be hoped for is to go in fighting, and come out fresh, new, and better.Vulnerable to Growth...It does happen and quite often.


  1. Mel,
    Glad to see your new blog. Live long and prosper!!

    Mike Lucas

  2. Nice post Mel. I know that just within my own experiences of getting my business off the ground I've felt the vulnerability AND growth that comes from "putting yourself out there"...it's not an easy thing to do, but it does get easier when you learn to trust yourself. Looking forward to more Perspectives!

  3. I'm glad your blogging Mel. Vulnerability is a good thing; it makes you more real and more open to relationships. Can't wait to ready more!
