Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gimme your flaw

One of the hardest things that we as humans have to do is accept our own flaws. It is extremely disheartening sometimes to look into  the mirror that reflects our souls and point out the things about ourselves that are lacking, or attributes that are deficient and undesirable. It is a tremendous blow to the ego sometimes, and everyone has an ego. Don't let anyone tell you different. Anyone that says they do not have an ego is flat out lying through their teeth. An ego allows us to be able to do certain things in life that make us believe that other folks will like or accept it. A musician must have some sort of an ego to be able to get in front of people and believe that those folks want to hear the sounds they make. Anyone who has an opinion about a subject must have some sort of ego to be able to voice that opinion. But it's ego that sometimes prevents us from examining and accepting our flaws, or just plain ignoring them altogether. I have flaws up the wazoo, and every time I examine one, or try to make one better, another rears it's ugly head. The beauty of getting older for me is that I get over it easier, and try to make better the positive traits I have going for me. People go through life trying to be perfect, and in some cases it's not their fault because TV, magazines, and other idioms tell folks from the time they can read and even just see, that image is everything. According to them, you must wear this, put on that, something is too big, too small, and you must fit into this mold and think like this, or be able to do that, or you suck. Now I'm not just talking about physical flaws, but the inner works. And I'm also talking about flaws within an aspect of being an everyday human. Nefarious character flaws are another story, because there are some dark souls out there who look great, but their core is black, and destitute. I'm talking about just regular Joe and Jane flaws that we all have to deal with and say, "Well this is something that I lack for my own search of being the person I want to be". Those are the flaws I speak of, and ego and ignorant pride have a way of not letting you see them sometimes. Once you see them, you can accept who you are, try to become better, and get rid of angst. The angst comes from not allowing yourself to see them, and not deal with them. That is why some of the tortured souls and individuals resort to the devious things they do. Jumping through hoops, and trying to protect their ego as they are afraid of themselves and the flaws that themselves and others will see. As far as I'm concerned flaws are good, and keep us humble if we get out of line. Learning to accept the flaws in ourselves and others connects us to each other, and reminds us that we are not alone in this huge book of lives.All of us have flaws equally distributed amongst ourselves, and he or she who believes they are without flaws needs to have a tack put on their chair so they can wake up.  Everyone should have a shirt that says, "I'm flawed get over it..I did." And that would be just perfect.

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