Thursday, April 21, 2011

Order Within Chaos: The Ongoing Process

The absolute truth and reality of living is that as long as you are on this planet alive, you will spend waking moments trying to keep your balance in the world, grow, and if you are not already there, stop from going insane. We all walk around daily putting out miniature fires that start within our minds, and ones that occur in situations that we face everyday. We often use the phrase that we are "getting nuts", but I believe that even the most rational people are two steps away from actually being there. This lends itself once again to how much humans constantly push down primal behavior in favor of rational and selective behavior. I thought of this post because I watched two squirrels from my porch, and they were obviously irritated with one another, and began chasing one another up and down trees and fences in front of me stopping occasionally to bark that weird squirrel bark at one another. They were angry, they expressed it, and acted upon it. And whatever other primal emotion they felt, they acted upon. Simple, and unfiltered.
The way human beings have to operate acceptably within the world, you could never act upon impulse. It has to be analyzed, thought out, consequences determined, both good and bad, and then the delicate balance of execution. Trust me, I have no desire to be a life form lower than human, but it must be liberating to just be, and do. But I have no desire to do it, nor do I want to be around folks that just act on impulse because trouble follows human beings who just don't think, and act without thought.
But my point here is that every little thing that we think, and deal with on a daily basis is part of our process  of dealing with the world, and the world can push folks over the edge quickly. There is sadness to deal with, frustrations, hope, joy, and tugs of war with ourselves concerning what we do and believe. And all of these can happen in one the same day. Sometimes when  I look at folks, the look in their faces really says that they are at the edge of their rope, and they are trying to hold it together, and I wonder just what combination of things got them there. It could be millions of variations that all of us deal with on a daily basis that test our mental toughness, and stability, and most of us at the end of the day lay our head on the pillow decompressing, and replaying the day back as we fall asleep wondering just how the hell did we get through the day. While of course thinking about stuff to do tomorrow. The crisscrossing processes of figuring, dealing coping, and reacting can get the best of us, but most times we get through it.
The end result of all of that is growth. The absolute most important reaction that you can counter to the chaos. You have to learn from experiencing all kinds of things, and going through the things that may drive you nuts, in order to handle them like a pro, as they come up again. The most level headed folks I know are ones that have been there, done that, and can tell you how to accept being there and doing it. But they will be the first ones to tell you that whatever it is they had to figure out almost drove them nuts. But they did it , learned, and became the masters of their own order.
As long as you live, there will be chaos that you will have to deal with, there will be fires that you will have to put out, and wars within yourself that will have to take place before you can be master of your own order. It is the process, and even when you get to that place, the process continues. Complicated? Hell yes. Human beings are complicated, and make simple things more complicated than they should be. That's why I like to watch the squirrels. When they think to themselves, "I'm gettin' nuts" it's a whole different meaning.

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