Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I see quite a bit of articles on "How to make a great first impression", "How to be the life of the party", "How to step out of your shell" etc.. The problem with  those articles is that they are explaining to folks how to make a less than genuine you. personalities are as different as the colors in a Home Depot paint section. Some are shy and introverted, others are outgoing, others are, prickly, and some are personable. The most disservice a person can do to themselves is try to be someone they are not even for a short time. It takes a great deal of energy, and guile to present yourself in some manner that isn't really you. Yes there are instances where you have to have reasonable communication skills such as a job interview, but I'm talking about just dealing with people on  a main street level. People get so wrapped up in how they look to others, or others liking them. If everyone likes you, you are doing something wrong. You are basically a walking Switzerland who agrees with everyone, sees everyone's point of view, and has none of your own. I would rather be a respected individual than a liked one any day, and should they both happen then that's well and good, but sometimes they don't. Well liked folks have to please to be liked. Respected folks know the word "no" and aren't afraid to use it. The problem with trying to present yourself in some sort of fashion that isn't really you,  is the fact that the real you will come out eventually.Whether you want it to or not, the things that make you who you are will surface, and rear their heads to the either amazement, or bewilderment of those who thought they knew you a few months ago. Now we all try to be on our best behavior when meeting people for the first time, or conducting ourselves in public. That is completely acceptable, but the key is to stay as close to the vest of yourself as possible. If you're at a party, and you're not really a party person, that's ok. Hang out and just converse, leave when you want, or don't go, but don't don a lampshade just to be liked. If someone is going to appreciate you for you, give them that opportunity. If not..Screw 'em. Just be yourself within the framework of you. Not someone else,  or some magazine's take on winning people over. Have fun being who you are, because you have to be that person for as long as you live. If you present it as genuine, others who are genuine will come. And what may happen is that you could be liked AND respected... Just for being you.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing more attractive than someone being a real person.
