Friday, July 29, 2011

Dissension In Descent: Whatever happened to harmonious discord?

The subject is politics. Not everyone's favorite topic, but one that happens to rear its head to the surface of observations quite a bit as of this writing, and you would literally have to be living under Grand Central Station with the Mole people without any media to not catch wind of things happening. Even those not into politics or having an opinion find themselves trying to add their two  cents to the din of armchair pundits, bar stool talking heads, and self proclaimed experts of political science. Quite a few people have opinions, and those opinions are as wide and as varied as species of animals on the planet. Demographics, and survey polls be damned, you cannot take for granted that a person will think a certain way, because you will get fooled and surprised quite a bit. People are for the most part 3 dimensional and diverse, and aren't caricatures of thought. The problem is that sometimes some create their own label as that, and paint themselves in a corner of a stereotype picture, and here's how it happens:

With all of the social medias, news forums after an article, or blogs, people take disagreeing to a whole new indecent level. I believe that it is essential to this country that there be disagreements and civil discourse, because we have a distinct balance in this country and this country's growth depends upon different points of view being aired out and actions eventually compromised to benefit all. It's essential for us as humans also to hear different points of view even if we have a distinct opinion because if we listen, it helps us formulate ideas, and challenges our own ideas about why we believe or think the way we do..That is if the disagreement is civil. Sometimes people are able to now hide behind idiotic statements anonymously, or buffered by cyber space, where they can just state something without any face to face discussions where civility has to be adhered to.

Too many times I see, hear and interact in conversations where people froth at the mouth. I am all for a debate, and discussion, but I despise people just spewing out idiocy without any basis of thought behind what they have stated. People too often take some talking point that they have heard and display it, repeat it, or spew it out with absolutely no rational reason behind it. I call it "Sensationalistic thought". Things pop up in people's minds and they say to themselves, "Yeah that sounds good..I'll say that." The problem is that this is not debate or discussion material because when people spew things out from their "sensationalistic thought" process, it hasn't really been processed by them. So when asked why someone feels strongly about what has just been spewed out, there is usually no answer other than, "You're just a(Insert political name jab here) and I am right." And then out comes the froth, where that person will continue to spew out idiotic talking points with absolutely no details of why logically they feel that way.
I like to think that folks are for the most part thoughtful and can articulate to you why they believe their argument is valid. If I make a statement about something I feel strongly about, you better damn well believe that I have given it some thought, and can explain how I came up with my own particular logical conclusion. I don't repeat what someone has said because it sounds good, and if I don't have a strong opinion on something, I will say that also, but I will gladly hear out opinions of something that I may not have thought of. I think it will help to make me a well rounded person, to even hear radically different thoughts, but maybe that's just me. But too often the makers of froth take over, and get the weaker minds to join the mob, and spew out more garbage. All of a sudden you have a froth fest taking place where a nice discussion and perhaps agreeing to disagree could have happened. I am passionate about my particular ideas as everyone else is, and for the most part when discussing things, political people will put forth their ideas, and receptive or not, be able to state their case in a calm passionate manner. Most times these calm rational discussions end up where folks just move on, and agree to have differences which is fine. Whatever you think, make your case be heard, but at least put thought behind it, so it can be rationally discussed, and not ridiculed. I and I believe a good amount of folks will never ridicule a person for being able to articulate ideas no matter how different. But dismissal is in order if there are no solid idea footing for you to stand on. I may not like your ideas, but I will certainly hate them if there is just no thought put behind what you say.
When it comes to politics, there is no other subject that commands more passion from someone other than religion. It's because those two things are representative of someone's core beliefs, and to disagree with them is in some weird way disagreeing with what a person has become, or who they are, It really shouldn't be that way because there is so much to learn from each other, even the parts that someone deems as negative ideas. And as I said before, given the choice of facing their own hypocrisy, or ideology, folks will usually choose the latter, because it is easier to swallow than accepting a flaw in thought.
But what we all need to do even in the most polarizing climate is at least engage in dissent that is productive to each other. History shows that I am just living in a fantasy world when it comes to that concept, because there will always be producers of idiocy and froth who cloud the mix up for those just trying to negotiate through each others' ideas. And is it so bad to think before opening your mouth or typing something? I don't think so.

We are all strong willed Americans and it has taken all sorts of opposing ideas to make this work. Make your case without froth, or talking points. Discord can be so harmonious if we agree to act like adults, and have meaningful passionate discussions that maybe we can never all agree about, but at least learn from instead of calling someone a "Libtard" or "Rethuglican".How bout we address each other as Americans who happen to have a difference of opinions. Because that's what we are. Let's stop the descent of dissension. Can it happen? Or am I just dreaming of a country without froth?

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