Monday, January 23, 2012

Mission Possible: The consequences of chase

One of the definitions of the word "Mission" as it pertains to an individual, is "A person's vocation or calling". If that's the case, other words that could possibly apply as such, could be "Pursuit", "Obsession", "Inclination'. or even "Desire". All of us have a purpose in life, but not all discover their mission. There are sometimes two points in life when someone figures out their "Mission" and those points are either at a very young age, because something made an incredible impression on them during youth, or at a crossroads in life when they are reflecting upon their past, and not so sure of their future. So they go inward and ask themselves finally, "Who am I, and what do I want to do before it's too late?" When discovering ones mission there now have to be certain things in place to keep it in perspective. There has to be a clear cut idea of just what that mission is, and there have to be ideas about how the road of that mission is going to be. The mission has to be flexible enough to withstand setbacks, and  outright failures, and has to be a sturdy enough foundation to stand up against saboteurs, and people who just don't want to support you for some reason or another. The mission has to be able to also put up with its worst enemy..The person that birthed it, because self doubt, questioning ones own actions, and procrastination can derail the mission to the point where it will never get started again. The mission in ones mind must be just, and for the right reasons, and one of those reasons is the reward of the mission itself, because the mission has to be one of love. Love is the most powerful of all emotions, and that doesn't just pertain to person/person, but also person/objective. That mission can also build you up, or destroy you.

The best way I can express what having a mission feels like is that it is such an obsessive feeling that it is painful. It sometimes clouds up the mind from everything else. It's like being in love to the power of 10. The desire to do what your spirits, and yes demons are telling you to do is frantic, and powerful at the same time. When I look at those old comedy movies in Black and White where someone gets hypnotized, and they then say in a monotone voice, "I must do this". Well that's sort of how that inner voice sounds. A mission is fortunately and unfortunately always on ones brain, and not only that, in their heart also. Both of those entities create an insatiable thirst for executing everything that pertains to the mission.

Why is this good? It is always important to have a purpose..A reason to get up in the morning..Not for your kids, or someone else, but for yourself, because when you do not have that you will wake up one day at 65 years old, and realize that you have probably done quite a bit for other people, and have made many sacrifices, but have nothing in your life that shows just who you are, and what you stood for. Whenever someone discovers a mission for themselves, it can light the way for them to find out those answers about who they are and what their life's manifesto is. But those answers will be gotten for the right reason..For themselves, and their place in the universe. Ones own little footprint that said "I was here". As small as that may sound, it is extremely important because there are plenty of people who have lived to a ripe old age, and have used space for those years, and they lament about what could have been. During their lives they may have had a dream, or desire, but it never manifested itself into a mission, and therefore got thrown on the shelf. So having a mission in life is crucial to ones identity, and how they can see themselves as unique amongst millions, with a purpose, and a fire in their belly.

Here is the downside of having a mission: Sometimes it rules you to the point where everything in its wake is not allowed to flourish..Love life, family, friends outside interests, relaxation, all take a back seat to the mission because it dominates the landscape of who you are, and to some it is attractive, but upon closer look it is exclusive, and an obstructive fence around the individual, because nothing must get in the way of the mission. It creates intensity, focus, and unyielding motivation, but also creates a sort of isolation, and emotional detachment from  wanting things that have a possibility to be enriching. It is fire and desire, and it just can't be turned off. everything else is second, which more often than not causes some problems, but the prospect of the mission reward somehow makes it easy to deal with. Desire turns into mission, which turns into obsession, and that is when there are casualties along the roadside. One day you may wake up and realize that the pursuit of the mission has left you alone, and alienated from the things that could have been a part of your happiness equation, but unfortunately all that matters now is "now". That is the troubling aspect of chasing a calling. It sometimes just "is".

For people out there who have a mission, you understand exactly what I am talking about. To those who don't, there may be a time in your life where you discover an aspect of yourself that you didn't know existed, and it will be enlightening, and an incredible feeling. You will then have a game plan to reward yourself, and create a mission that you can take on. It could happen tomorrow..It could happen 5 years from now, or in some cases it might NOT happen. But even the smallest mission in life can be a huge rewarding desire..Whether it is helping people, or pursuing a dream, your mission has to fulfill you, and perhaps the ripple effects will inspire others who get the benefits from your residuals, or fire someone up to chase their own mission. We all need something to arise in the morning for that benefits ones self.

I am on a mission...What that is I won't say, but it is a blessing, and a burden sometimes. Most times it feels like an obsession. But it is who I am, and even though it may have cost me to some important things to a degree in my life, the greater cost for me is if I don't pursue it. I may fail, but I may not either. But this much is true..My mission is very possible, and I can't stomach the idea of saying "What if" in the mirror. To avoid those words should be a common mission to all.

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