Thursday, January 5, 2012

Open Mouth..Insert Cork : The contradiction of closed minds

I had absolutely no intention today of writing a Blog, but I was driving around running errands, and I got behind a car with an interesting bumper sticker. I'm not a fan of bumper stickers, but this one stuck with me.. It read, "If only closed minds came with closed mouths" I couldn't help smiling, thinking it to be absolutely true. How could I not have inspiration after seeing that? In my opinion there are two things that are true. 1) If you have a closed mind, you will never accept any new perspective, and learn, and 2) You can't hear anything if your mouth is always moving. These are two symptomatic problems with people who have everything to say, yet nothing to talk about. Those with closed minds often have this contradiction happening as they rail, and protest, and bitch and moan about every little thing that comes across their radar as unacceptable. Most times what is unacceptable to them insults their particular way of thinking, and they believe that co existing with others, means that others must have their point of view. Which often times than not is pretty one dimensional, because they will not do the one thing that communication requires. And that is listen.

It is perfectly fine to have differing opinions with people. That is part of life and we will always encounter individuals who don't believe anything close to what we think. The fundamental difference between someone who is open minded vs. someone closed minded is the acceptance of that fact, and the understanding that this is a common idea. Open minded people enjoy the diversity of others, even when to them the point of view is idiotic. The concept is that "you have your opinion and I have mine". The closed mind can never grasp this concept, therefore they must send forth anger, vitriol, hatred, and outspoken opposition to any and everything that is not in line with their thinking. Even going as far to say that all of the problems in their own lives are because some other idea, people, or that someone's lifestyle is public enemy #1, and should be eradicated, or corrected to be in line with how they think. Scapegoat-ism to the extreme, as they can never remotely accept the fact that they could be wrong about a particular subject, and often times than not, create confrontation just to stir a pot where they can put forth their ideas, and shoot down any others.. It's just not enough to keep their mouth shut, and live and let live. The closed mind will blame, whine, yell at, instigate, and yes even pour forth hatred to get their point across.

It certainly is not easy to coexist in a world of different opinions. I have my distinct opinions, and you have yours. No one is the holder of all knowledge, and if you understand that concept, you will always be ready, and even eager to seek out people with new opinions, and new ways of thinking, because that promotes growth in ones self. A person who is always asking questions will receive many answers to think about. A person who wants to only deal with what and who they can relate to, will never learn anything new, and often they don't have any desire to learn anyway. They remain in a world where they have little respect for anyone, and they often will carry on bitching about something in life, but when you ask them for a solution, they have none. They just like to complain, and sometimes complain about other people complaining. Of course offering no solutions to what they hem and haw about. That is the person with the closed mind's greatest achievement..To turn the tables and try to make everyone think that they are the victims of a world that they are trying to make better. When in reality, all they want is a world full of the exact ideas that they possess, which sometimes means eliminating certain people, certain religions, certain lifestyles, certain books, etc. To the closed minded person, the world needs a big witch hunt, and bonfire so they can capture and burn everything they don't agree with.

Keep an open mind, and a closed mouth. Not the other way around, and you will always be able to listen, and learn, and absorb and grow. People are different, and the world is different than you are. That's a good thing, because the search for yourself requires you to see aspects of yourself in others..And often there are ideas, traits, and beautiful things that you can learn from others, that you can adapt into your own being. The world is in fast forward..Don't have a closed mind that gets left in the dust. Or even become a bumper sticker on someone's car.

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