Sunday, April 29, 2012

Derailment: Runanway trains of thought

I write this Blog from a point of annoyance because there are definitely behaviors out there that are aggravating to say the least. Yes we are all different people with different perspectives on life, and as I have stated many times over and over again, I am not the holder of all knowledge, nor am I even close. I put thoughts out there, and comments to certain conversations with the idea that I can either add something to someone's perspective, or gain some knowledge from someone else. I may not know how to do everything, but what I do know how to do is stay on the subject at hand, and not derail a subject for my own personal agenda. If something is presented, it can be dissected exactly as is, and not torn apart, and deflected onto something it is not.

Those of us who go on Youtube, or check out news stories online usually read comments after the story. Usually the first two or three comments pertains directly to the story, but then someone comes along and makes a comment that pertains not to the story, but to something completely different. So by the time the thread is finished, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. I have seen beautiful videos of musical performances go from the conversation about the music, down to petty arguments about politics, race, or personal attacks on other people who commented, and the essence of what something was about gets lost completely, while the dialogue between people lingers in the toilet. My experiences with people have told me time and time again that they want to be heard, and understood. That is important and noble, and part of our nature as human beings, but there is definitely a way to relate to people and knowing when and where to inject something that one feels strongly about as opposed to just sticking with the script of subject at hand. This behavior doesn't necessarily make someone bad, it's just an indication of a certain lack of knowledge about how to approach certain topics with restraint, and not bombast. It is important to have a strong opinion..But even more important to know just when and where to apply that opinion to whatever train requires it.

People see what they want to see within the realm of things, and that is just a fact, but where the problem lies is that most people are quick to point out and be vocal about everything they don't like, instead of being positive and stating passionately about things they love. The focus on negative aspects of life and the willingness of some to perpetuate it, permeates through everyone trying to bring things together. This may not even be intentional, but the truth of the matter is that some people may not be able to stay on point. They see or hear something, and are easily swayed, diverted, and tossed off the train of thought by their own visceral feelings about something. And there is nothing wrong with having feelings about something, but there is a time to launch that mode within its own context. Some folks derail subjects sometimes out of spite, and sometimes not because they feel that their agenda pertains to the subject when it really doesn't. But that is how they may see it, and that becomes more of the problem than anything else, because the train will always go off the tracks when someone can't see the rails that they are on.

It takes a great amount of courage to put your thoughts and ideas , and whatever else you have of yourself out there, because you become vulnerable to scrutiny, and questioning of others, that can easily turn into berating, and bashing. Diversified ideas are as important as anything because the key word is "growth" and we are all in need of growth, and are all works in progress. So when there is a subject at hand, for a lot of folks they see the opportunity to enlighten someone when that should actually not be the goal. The goal should be to state something within the context of dialogue so that the reward is perhaps "getting" enlightenment and not giving it. When someone takes a subject off point, and derails it, it stands no chance to blossom, or grow into the minds of those discussing because now the energy is focused on something entirely different, or focused on the negativity of someone thinking a certain way. I can't stress enough that the ability of people to get along depends upon us riding on the same train tracks, and not someone flipping a switch, and separating the cars. There is a train for every conversation, and one has to not make themselves an annoying passenger that causes the train to derail off of particular thought process. It may not be about you...Don't make it so.

The bottom line and purpose of this Blog is to just to plead folks to stay on point, and not create chaos..Because that is just what a derailed train of thought does. It creates absolute chaos where people will argue, ridicule, and not speak to one another in a civil manner because the subject has been tarnished, and thrown to the curb. People give up because to them dialogue is useless, because they feel that the topic won't stay around long enough to be solved during the derailing process. There is nothing worse than a derailed train hurtling across the conversation void, all  because someone saw themselves as the conductor, and not the subject itself. Don't see things that you want to see. See what is there, because what is there is probably worthy of its own train of thought. And when the train leaves the station, please sit with the other passengers.

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