Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring It On! New Season..New Attitude.

Everyone can feel it in the air, and see it in the various happenings in nature. Spring is here, and moving in to take over the landscapes, and moods of us all. We all seem to want it so badly, and even on days that it is still cool, and a little brisk, you see short sleeves shirts, and windows open in houses and cars as if we humans are trying to coax nature to hurry it up.Why do we want it badly? Because Spring is as symbolic to renewal as anything we can relate to. After a January like we had in the Northeast, and after being bundled up, and waiting for the mounds of snow to dissipate, we all get cranky and tired of bleak leafless scenes outside of our window, and cold car seats as we get up for work. Even the most die hard of the winter fanatics, who were giddy with delight over the first tree limb covered snow scenes, and fresh snow post card views in December have grown tired by March, and can't wait for birds and squirrels to come out as signs of warming trends.Folks can't wait to BBQ, eat ice cream on the porch, and walk barefoot on their lawns. Everyone just seems like they are lightening up just a tad, because the warmth in the air seems to transfer to their attitude.

Spring somehow lets us know that everything is going to be ok somehow...At least for a while. Spring gives us all hope that even as we watch horrendous scenes of devastation in other countries, and people getting killed in revolutions, and aspects of the world that we can't control, somehow it can get better. it puts us in the frame of mind that  the world will go on, and life will prevail no matter what we as humans do.It is a much needed psychological boost for  everyone, because the world just seems bleaker when it is physically colder, and quieter in nature. Of course seeing the first fly, or gnat, or beetle loses its appeal in a month when the critters  are everywhere that you are, but that's the price, and there is a price for everything.
Time for cleaning out garages, getting rid of old clothes, cleaning the filthy interiors of cars, while planting, and landscaping for your own personal competition in "Naturescape". It's here, and we all wish for the moment that we could feel like we do now for a long time....Anticipating, like a kid who has been told that he's going to Disney in two weeks, as we jump up and down, waiting for a day that we can really put that big coat away for the next 7 months, and go for a swim in the ocean, or just hang out at night with a tee shirt enjoying the sound of Bullfrogs and crickets in the distance. Spring it on! I'm ready for my new attitude.And I think everyone else is too.

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