Friday, June 3, 2011

Have You Any Dreams You'd like to sell: Aspirations in reality

Everyone has dreams. It's in all of us to have a desire to do something that we would like to do, and picture ourselves doing it like we are watching a movie. We daydream, plot, write out, draw up, and create ideas in our heads about how it can possibly happen. The hard part is the physical aspects of moving forward to making it happen, because in our heads we never see the snags, setbacks, problems, and issues confronting the dream, because most of the time we are seeing the end result in our dream and not the middle passages of it. Starting is easy, imagining getting there is gratifying, but it's the middle that messes everyone up because that is the hardest part to keeping the dream in motion.Sometimes your particular dreams may seem unrealistic to other people, but if you have them, them you must stick with them. To lose your dreams are akin to losing yourself, and your sense of sustained hope, so you must keep them, but to achieve them, you must have one thing..A base of grounded reality in how to achieve it.
Most times if you ask someone about their dream, they can give you details about what it is, and what the end results will look like when they get there, but most of the time, they can't tell you what they believe the detailed steps are to do it.And that is the most important part of dreams. The ability to map out a reasonable course of action based  in reality. When you set a dream no matter how simple or lofty, you need to map out specific steps to get there that are in increments, and can easily be measured. If you bypass basic steps you will begin to fail because you will not have put forth a logical step by step procedure. Having a step by step procedure guarantees that you will have a reasonable gauge to go by. progress takes patience which is why the steps should be small, because it can be awfully discouraging to think that nothing is getting done, and that feeling can happen if the steps are too big. In dreams, baby steps are the best plans, because being meticulous is crucial in the journey of a dream.  Sloppy plans will breed sloppy actions, and a sloppy result, which can of course breed sloppy failure.
Sometimes the dream involves finding other people to make it work. Well there's a whole other dynamic, because you have to find like minded people who believe in the same dream, and whatever steps are being taken to get there, are agreeable by all harmoniously. That's where communication is key, because if someone disagrees with the process, or something within it, it needs to be discussed, and purged, in order to go forward. Collective dreams are the absolute hardest because of the different personalities involved. But if there is communication, and everyone has the same goal, the nuances can be gotten over. If there is disagreement then obviously people may get interchanged in the course, but harmony is the most important aspect in collective dream.
Another hard pill to swallow is dreams failing. That is life, and the most successful folks in the world have failed miserably at one point, so the failure is disheartening, and can be a blow, but the blow shouldn't be fatal. Quite a few folks give up though because sometimes dreams take money to achieve, and if one loses their money on the failure of a dream, it can mean the end of planning for a long time. So that is understandable, but where there is a will, there really is a way. The hard part is just getting the emotional drive back after a failure such as that, because it can seriously put out a fire in one's soul.
And lastly, a dream has to be flexible because the conditions to make it happen might change, you might change, or some fortune in the process might make a change necessary, so the more flexible that the dream is, the better you will be able to adapt to it. The based in reality idea is key because you have to be able to say to yourself, "This can be done this way, and with these steps and persistence the end result can be what I imagine." So usually if you can apply the steps of your dream to someone else, and you can nod your head and picture it being done by them, it can usually be done by you. Never give up on a dream, because your sense of self is at stake if you do. Dreaming is not just for kids or dreamers. It's for everyone who has hope to do something that defines them, and satisfies them. Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? Then sell them to yourself, because their value always increases with time.

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