Wednesday, June 8, 2011

School Of Hard Mocks: The difficult job of teachers

The recent story of a teacher in Florida punching a student who was threatening her verbally and on the verge of physically once again raises the issue of how hard life is for teachers in schools nowadays. Next to a parent, being a teacher is the most important adult that a child, or young person will have in their lives for a long time. It is one of the most important jobs in the world in my opinion as teachers have to be babysitters, psychologists, counselors, and have to often times do their job of teaching with one hand behind their back because they now can't do "This", they can't say "That" and if they do, litigious parents will get involved, or some dog and pony show of bureaucracy will get them reprimanded or canned for just trying to do their jobs in an environment that sometimes isn't ideal.
There have always been class clowns and disruptive forces in a teacher's pursuit of running their particular corner store of education, but these days it seems as though more and more teachers have to fend for their safety, and have the possibility of getting severely hurt, and even killed. Teachers should be the most revered and respected people in the world. They are to me, but I believe a good teacher should have everyone's respect. It is a job where you don't always see the complete impact of your interactions because most of the things that a teachers has taught are retained for later uses in someone's life, and not many adults bother to come back to their teachers and thank them for what disciplines and knowledge were instilled as a youth. The future depends upon these people who shape the way a child will interact with others, and the way youth learn how to function in a world of logical decision making, and choices of behavior.
When I hear about a teacher having to make a choice of defending themselves while trying to do an important job, I am saddened, and angered. Parents sometimes are the biggest roadblocks to education, as they are quick to discipline authority figures that they can receive monetary soothing from as opposed to disciplining, and fixing a kid who treats an adult in such a manner. And when you see some of these interviews with parents, you can see why their child is such a mess.
It is totally inexcusable for the profession of teacher to be one where the high pay has to be fought for, and where there is a shortage. There should be a surplus of folks wanting to do such a thing as teaching, because of the reward, but the environment of danger, and the lawsuit crazy society, along with the idea that a teacher has to teach with one hand behind their back makes it a non option for some. I just think that it is sad, and teachers deserve more. Think about your favorite teachers and what you would be doing without their influence. Nowadays some kids mock their teachers and education in general, and stupidity is sometimes a fashion. There are wonderful kids out there who really are trying and respect their teachers, and do well in school but the ones that don't are dangerous individuals who not only disrupt classrooms but lives also. And they get away with it because they have learned to live in a world without consequences by their parents or by any authority figures. And they ruin it for everyone else.
If I was this woman, I would have done the same thing, and that kid wouldn't have gotten up.
No need for idiocy in schools. That's what schools are for. To prevent idiocy in the future. Sadly some kids and adults have skipped those classes..Repeatedly.

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