Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reading From The Same Sheet: Like minds in motion

I had the fortunate opportunity last night to go on a radio program with my bandmates to talk about Solistic, and what we are about, and our music. When the opportunity presented itself to talk about the dynamics of the band, I couldn't help but feel pride, friendship and love for my fellow bandmates and manager. We are strong willed determined individuals with our own opnions and ways of doing things, but we are all reading from the same sheet of music. It is refreshing to be in a situation where that is the case, and I feel blessed to be in it. It made me think about how a situation like that applies not only to music, and a band but to all facets of human relationships and goals.
Quite a few situations in life are very simple, and pretty cut and dry. It is people that complicate the situations. people have the uncanny ability to make things more complicated than they have to be, and then angst ensues in a situation that had not even a hint of it. The problem stems from ego, and that dreaded, "It's about me" mentality that never fails to get in the way of progress, and puts everyone on edge because it gets in the way of the big picture, and the idea of contribution to the greater whole. Or it stems from the desire for control of a situation, and be on the upper hand should something go awry. But either way, human beings screw things up quite a bit where it didn't have to be hard.
It is difficult sometimes to sacrifice ones self for a greater good, whether it be in business, a creative venture, a marriage, or anything else where there is more than one mind at work for a particular goal. There has to be the goal itself, with a particular way to gauge progress that everyone can agree upon, and if someone is not in accord with a particular situation, things must be said and aired out, and not swept under the rug. It's very easy to stew over something, and hope that it changes, but when doing that there begins to be a subliminal sabotage that happens because of the unhappiness. You will begin to put less and less into the situation to make things better, and pretty soon there is angst.
The harmony that can come from reading from the same sheet is conducive to forward motion because everyone knows what their role is within the big picture, and once you start to see the big picture take shape, you will want more harmony, so you will do the things to facilitate the harmonious atmosphere. A positive spiral all around. When people complicate the matters of harmony, there begins to be chaos because ideas and ways of doing things become compromised as approaching and dealing with one another from "an angle" become the norm. Straight shooting is definitely in order if there is to be harmony.
Life is much too short to deal with nonsense, and it's too bad that nonsense seems to sometimes rule situations. So when a nice situation comes into your life where everyone is reading from the same sheet of music, don't take it for granted, because it doesn't come along often, and for some it never comes along. But just remember your role of sacrifice, and the part of yourself and ideas that you may have to compromise to make it work. If you can get rid of ego, and understand that, and the other folks do the same, there will be in place the foundation for possible good things for all involved.

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